Hi all.

I have a problem using Android OS on VM-ware that is related on internet 
connection in Android x-86 version 5.1 (Lollipop) and version 4.4 (Kitkat). 
I use android-x86-4.4-r5.iso for Kitkat and android-x86-5.1-rc.iso for 
I use VM-ware version 12.5.
I have internet connectivity and I can use web browser for both android 
emulators, but I cannot download the APK files. 
The status of the APK files at Download Folder always show Queued status 
and I waited for so long but there was no any APK file at that folder 
(Download folder), or there was no any response. 
How should I have to do to have capability downloading android applications 
on Android x-86?

Besides, when I changed to the guest account, I cannot access the internet, 
it happens for both Android x-86 OS and Remix OS. 
How should I do in order to connect between a guest account and features 
that just have by administrator account?

Furthermore, I would like to change my cover photo (background) on Android 
x-86 version 5.1 (Lollipop) and version 4.4 (Kitkat). 
What should I have to be able to change my cover photo to be a new one?

In addition, in Remix OS I cannot impose the code into the Remix OS. Let 
says I wanna impose code into /etc/init.sh. 
When I checked my account by typing "whoami", and it resulted that i was a 
How should I do to get permission to make some codes in Remix OS?

Please help me out. I would appreciate for your suggestions. Thanks in 

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