I'm stuck with the fanotify 
<http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/fanotify.7.html>systemcall to get 
access control for file-access events, when a file on the device gets 
opened. My specs:
   - Samsung i9300 ARM with LineageOS 14.1 
   - Linux kernel 3.0.101 (fanotify is available in kernel > 2.6.36 / 
   android 5)
   - NDK r14b
   - rooted

I have build an Android native application (written in C) based on fsmon 
<https://github.com/nowsecure/fsmon>to handle the file access. After 
compiling I pushed the executable armeabi-v7 file with ADB on the device 
(/data/local/tmp/). Then I tried to execute (as su) the file and got 
following error message:

fanotify_mark: Invalid argument.

I had changed the kernel config by editing the 


Also after flashing the new kernel and running

 cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > running.config

from the device to get the kernel config, I can see that both config-params 
are activated. Following is the code (the calling function, if more is 
necessary, I will extend it) which crashes:

static bool fm_begin (FileMonitor *fm) {
 // Define event mask which fanotify should signal.
 // Important: the FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS flag to enable access control
 uint64_t fan_mask = FAN_OPEN | FAN_CLOSE | FAN_ACCESS | FAN_MODIFY | 
 // Set which type of operation it should do on fanotify_mark() - adding 
the flaggs 
 unsigned int mark_flags = FAN_MARK_ADD, init_flags = 0;
 struct sigaction sa;
 int res = 0;

 // Set function to close the file descriptor
 fm->control_c = fm_control_c;
 sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART;
 sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
 sa.sa_sigaction = usr1_handler;
 if (sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
        printf ("Cannot set SIGUSR1 signal handler\n");
        return false;
 fan_mask |= FAN_ONDIR;
 fan_mask |= FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD;
 // Walk into subdirectories
 mark_flags |= FAN_MARK_MOUNT;
 // Important: Set FAN_CLASS_CONTENT to allow/deny access to files
 init_flags |= (fan_mask & FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS)
               ? FAN_CLASS_CONTENT
               : FAN_CLASS_NOTIF;
 if (!fm->root) {
    fm->root = "/";

 // Call the fanotify_init systemcall with read only and enable for large 
 fan_fd = fanotify_init (init_flags, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
 if (fan_fd < 0) {
    perror ("fanotify_init");
    return false;

 // Call the fanotify_mark systemcall with flags
 // CRASHES HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! res = -1
 res = fanotify_mark (fan_fd, mark_flags, fan_mask, AT_FDCWD, fm->root);
 if (res != 0) {
    printf("Result: %i\n", res); // == -1
    perror ("fanotify_mark");
    return false;

 FD_ZERO (&rfds);
 FD_SET (fan_fd, &rfds);
 return true;

I logged the flags and they seemed to be valid, no null value or something 
else. I also tried different combinations of the mask, no result...

The fanotify_init() function works properly and doesn't throw an error 
(before I set the CONFIG in the kernel config-file, the application crashed 

I tried the same code on Ubuntu and on a x86 Stock Android emulator 
(compiled AOSP) with success - the application get's started and I can 
control the access. But on the emulator the goldfish kernel is running.

Running "adb shell logcat" and "adb shell dmesg" doesn't show me an error 
on execution...

It's a little bit strange because the return value 1 (fanotify negate the 
value) of the fanotify_mark() call is on the errno.h list:

#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */

I think it's a kernel problem (not LineageOs) so this could be the right 
place to ask...

Some suggestions?...

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