Dalvik doesn't run Java byte codes (its designed to recompile .class files 
into its own format), so really Android /can't/ use Jazelle. I believe you 
mostly see J variants of ARM in the wild because the advanced variants of 
the chips (that have all the other needed features) just tend to have this 
feature thrown in as the common Java ME VMs (what you normally see running 
on these mobile platforms) do often support it. -J

From: "Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:02 AM
To: "android-porting" <android-porting@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [android-porting] Does Android use ARM Jazelle tech?

> Hi,
> Does Android use ARM Jazelle tech? I've swept the source code, didn't
> find it.
> If there's no jazelle, why 926EJ?
> Is ARMv5E+MMU enough?
> Regards,
> Vincent 

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