As of 12 hours ago, I broke the rootfs for Freerunner when I disabled 
Packet Video (there are license issues with the codecs). I've now 
deleted this bad rootfs and will place a new one up when I have it fixed.

One way to debug is to look at the logcat output as outlined on the wiki 

  ADBHOST=neo ./adb logcat


AndersHedberg wrote:
> Hi, I'm out of luck trying to get the Freerunner displaying anything
> but the sudden white splash and then the black screen right after
> having unpacked the kernel. I've followed every single instruction I
> could find it seems. My orginal uSD card has a 8Mb VFAT32 (empty, even
> though gparted left an .formatted file (manually removed)) filesystem
> + 300+Mb Ext3 filesystem(empty) (after booting the ext3 partition do
> contain some extra folders) (I've used the images on the net this day
> (17th of november + lates nand boot flash...).
> Any suggestions? Does it work with 3G sim cards? European 1800 GSM
> verisons? Why does it boot with a black screen... impossible to
> debug...
> Best regards
> Anders Hedberg
> >

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