can OpenGL convert YUV422P to RGB565,thanks

On 12月5日, 下午12时42分, Dave Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The reference software implementation of SurfaceFlinger doesn't
> support YUV color conversion. It uses the Y plane for monochrome so
> that something is displayed.
> On Dec 4, 3:22 am, Shirish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to use the YUV format and its a different format. In that case
> > do I need to only change the Surface Flinger to use the Open GL
> > extension for YUV format. Is there some other module which needs to
> > change?
> > Does currently Android 1.0 Release has Open GL extensions for the YUV
> > format?
> > Thanks,
> > -Shirish
> > On Dec 4, 2:44 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > yuv422 to rgb565 doesn't work well
> > > uint32_t mCoefTbl32[516];
> > > uint8_t *mCoefTbl = NULL;
> > > static void init_coff()
> > > {
> > >     uint8_t *clip;
> > >     int i;
> > >     mCoefTbl = (uint8_t *)mCoefTbl32;
> > >     *((uint32_t*)mCoefTbl) = (int)(65536*0.4681); //0.714);
> > >     *((uint32_t*)(mCoefTbl+4)) =  (int)(65536*1.5748);//1.402);
> > >     *((uint32_t*)(mCoefTbl+8)) =  (int)(65536*0.1873);//0.344);
> > >     *((uint32_t*)(mCoefTbl+12)) =  (int)(65536*1.8556);//1.772);
> > >     clip = mCoefTbl + 400;
> > >     /* do 5 bit conversion */
> > >      memset( &clip[-384], 0, 385*sizeof( *clip));
> > >      memset( &clip[ 640], 0, 385*sizeof( *clip));
> > >     for (i=1; i<255; i++){  // range of (x>>3) between -24 and 56
> > >         clip[i] = i>>3;
> > >         clip[i+1024] = i>>2;
> > >     }
> > >     memset( &clip[255], 31, 385*sizeof( *clip));
> > >     memset( &clip[1279], 63, 385*sizeof( *clip));
> > > }
> > > static int32_t cc16(uint16_t *pY,uint8_t *pCb, uint8_t *pCr, uint8_t
> > > *dst, int32_t *disp, uint8_t *coff_tbl)
> > > {
> > >     #define OFFSET_5_0  2
> > >     #define OFFSET_6_0  (1+1024)
> > >     #define OFFSET_5_1  6
> > >     #define OFFSET_6_1  (3+1024)
> > >     uint16_t    *pDst;
> > >     int32_t     src_pitch, dst_pitch, src_width;
> > >     int32_t     Y, Cb, Cr, Cg;
> > >     int32_t     deltaY, deltaDst, deltaCbCr;
> > >     int32_t     row, col;
> > >     int32_t     tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
> > >     uint32_t    rgb;
> > >     uint8_t *clip = coff_tbl+400;
> > >     int32_t  cc1 = (*((int32_t*)(clip - 400)));
> > >     int32_t  cc3 = (*((int32_t*)(clip - 396)));
> > >     int32_t  cc2 = (*((int32_t*)(clip - 392)));
> > >     int32_t  cc4 = (*((int32_t*)(clip - 388)));
> > >     src_pitch   =   disp[0];
> > >     dst_pitch   =   disp[1];
> > >     src_width   =   disp[2];
> > >     if(disp[6]) /* rotate 180 and flip */
> > >     {   /* move the starting point to the bottom-left corner of the
> > > picture */
> > >         deltaY = src_pitch*(disp[3]-1);
> > >         deltaY = (src_pitch>>1)*((disp[3]>>1)-1);
> > >         deltaY = -src_width-(src_pitch<<1);
> > >         deltaCbCr = -((src_width+src_pitch)>>1);
> > >         src_pitch = -(src_pitch>>1);
> > >     }
> > >     else
> > >     {
> > >         deltaY      =   (src_pitch<<1)-src_width;
> > >         deltaCbCr   =   (src_pitch-src_width)>>1;
> > >         src_pitch >>= 1;
> > >     }
> > >     deltaDst    =   (dst_pitch<<1)-src_width;
> > >     pDst =  (uint16_t *)dst;
> > >     for(row = disp[3]; row >0; row-=2){
> > >         for(col = src_width-1; col >=0; col-=2){
> > >             Cb = *pCb++;    Cr = *pCr++;
> > >             Y = pY[src_pitch];
> > >             Cb -= 128; Cr -= 128;
> > >             Cg  =   Cr*cc1;
> > >             Cr  *= cc3;
> > >             Cg  +=  Cb*cc2;
> > >             Cb  *=  cc4;
> > >             tmp0    =   (Y & 0xFF); //Low endian    left pixel
> > >             tmp0    += OFFSET_5_0;
> > >             tmp1    =   tmp0 - (Cg>>16);
> > >             tmp2    =   tmp0 + (Cb>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp0 + (Cr>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   clip[tmp0];
> > >             tmp1    =   clip[tmp1 + OFFSET_6_0 - OFFSET_5_0];
> > >             tmp2    =   clip[tmp2];
> > >             //RGB_565
> > >             rgb     =   tmp1|(tmp0<<6);
> > >             rgb     =   tmp2|(rgb<<5);
> > >              Y   = (Y>>8) & 0xFF;
> > >             Y   += OFFSET_5_1;
> > >             tmp1    =   (Y) - (Cg>>16);
> > >             tmp2    =   (Y) + (Cb>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   (Y) + (Cr>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   clip[tmp0];
> > >             tmp1    =   clip[tmp1 + OFFSET_6_1 - OFFSET_5_1];
> > >             tmp2    =   clip[tmp2];
> > >             //RGB_565
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp1|(tmp0<<6);
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp2|(tmp0<<5);
> > >             rgb     |=  (tmp0<<16);
> > >             *( (uint32_t*)(pDst+dst_pitch) )    = rgb;
> > >             //load the top two pixels
> > >             Y = *pY++;
> > >             tmp0    =   (Y & 0xFF); //Low endian    left pixel
> > >             tmp0    += OFFSET_5_1;
> > >             tmp1    =   tmp0 - (Cg>>16);
> > >             tmp2    =   tmp0 + (Cb>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp0 + (Cr>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   clip[tmp0];
> > >             tmp1    =   clip[tmp1 + OFFSET_6_1 - OFFSET_5_1];
> > >             tmp2    =   clip[tmp2];
> > >             //RGB_565
> > >             rgb     =   tmp1|(tmp0<<6);
> > >             rgb     =   tmp2|(rgb<<5);
> > >              Y   = (Y>>8) & 0xFF;
> > >             Y   += OFFSET_5_0;
> > >             tmp1    =   (Y) - (Cg>>16);
> > >             tmp2    =   (Y) + (Cb>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   (Y) + (Cr>>16);
> > >             tmp0    =   clip[tmp0];
> > >             tmp1    =   clip[tmp1 + OFFSET_6_0 - OFFSET_5_0];
> > >             tmp2    =   clip[tmp2];
> > >             //RGB_565
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp1|(tmp0<<6);
> > >             tmp0    =   tmp2|(tmp0<<5);
> > >             rgb     |=  (tmp0<<16);
> > >             *( (uint32_t *)pDst)    = rgb;  pDst+=2;
> > >         }//end of COL
> > >         pY  +=  (deltaY>>1);
> > >         pCb +=  deltaCbCr;
> > >         pCr +=  deltaCbCr;
> > >         pDst+=  (deltaDst); //coz pDst defined as UINT *
> > >     }
> > >     return 1;
> > > }
> > > On 11月19日, 下午5时02分, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > thanks very much,cpu is pxa300,camera only provides yuv422 & RawRGB,
> > > > "On the G1 we use another code path to draw video frames" which
> > > > path,thanks~
> > > > On 11月19日, 下午4时07分, Mathias Agopian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > the camera provide yuv422 data,butopenGL"just show the Y plane of
> > > > > >YUVbuffers"(frameworks\base\libs\surfaceflinger\LayerBase.cpp
> > > > > > 624),must convert yuv422 to rgb565,camera preview is ok,a little
> > > > > > slow,why,thanks
> > > > > No,OpenGLdoesn't supportYUVtextures. That's just that.
> > > > > On the G1 we use another code path to draw video frames, it doesn't
> > > > > useOpenGLES, instead it uses the 2D engine. The code that you are
> > > > > referring to exists only so that theYUVvideo node will display
> > > > > "something" when used on the emulator or on a device that doesn't do
> > > > >YUV(in which case the video node should not try to produceYUV
> > > > > output). It's mostly there for debugging.
> > > > > Of course, *some*YUVextensions forOpenGLES exist,  and the code
> > > > > in SurfaceFlinger doesn't make use of them at this time. Exercise left
> > > > > to the reader... or until real h/w with these capabilities falls into
> > > > > my hands.
> > > > > What h/w are you using?
> > > > > Mathias- 隐藏被引用文字 -
> > > > - 显示引用的文字 -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- 隐藏被引用文字 -
> - 显示引用的文字 -
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