SurfaceFlinger is the 2D abstraction layer. If you remove it, you will
break all the native code that talks to it. You will have to rewrite
the WindowManager code. It's a fundamental part of the system.

What do you want to achieve?

On Feb 26, 2:48 am, F H <> wrote:
> As I understand it SurfaceFlinger is a service and clients talk to it
> through a Binder interface.  Help with talking to this service can be
> obtained using the native ui library.
> I'm not familiar with Binders, but was wondering whether something like a
> Java application could connect to the service through a route other than the
> UI library - e.g. using the Binder Java APIs.
> (Perhaps the window manger does this already).
> The reason I'm asking is; If I:
> a) replaced the UI library components that talk to SurfaceFlinger with
> functions that talked to something else (e.g. a functionally equivalent
> alternative compositor - with the same interface at the library level).
> b) rebuilt everything to use the modified UI library.
> c) removed SurfaceFlinger as a service.
> What would break?
> Thanks.
> FH.

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