Hi Sean,
Any update on archerypp's build error issue? I met the same problem.
why it passed compiling before I rebase code to master?


On 3月25日, 上午10时35分, Sean McNeil <seanmcne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> archerypp wrote:
> > I have updated my Android to the latest one using 'repo sync'.
> That was a mistake. The main Android repo is currently broken.ALSAwill
> not be updated until main can be compiled withoutALSA.
> > But I met this error while compiling it.
> > The log is :
> > target arm C++: libaudio <= hardware/alsa_sound/AudioHardwareALSA.cpp
> > hardware/alsa_sound/AudioHardwareALSA.cpp: In function
> > 'android::AudioHardwareInterface* createAudioHardware()':
> > hardware/alsa_sound/AudioHardwareALSA.cpp:65: error: cannot allocate
> > an object of abstract type 'android::AudioHardwareALSA'
> > hardware/alsa_sound/AudioHardwareALSA.h:208: note:   because the
> > following virtual functions are pure within
> > 'android::AudioHardwareALSA':
> > hardware/libhardware_legacy/include/hardware_legacy/
> > AudioHardwareInterface.h:223: note:         virtual
> > android::AudioStreamIn*
> > android::AudioHardwareInterface::openInputStream(int, int, uint32_t,
> > android::status_t*, android::AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics)
> > make: *** [out/target/product/iM9815/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/
> > libaudio_intermediates/AudioHardwareALSA.o] Error 1
> > Has anybody met this before? How to resolve it?
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