AFAIK, qemu doesn't support the vga= option with append,
You may need to patch the qemu for that option:
Hope it helps!
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Alex <> wrote:

> Yes, oh, I forgot mentioning my qemu command.
> qemu -kernel bzImage -initrd rootfs.cpio.gz -hda system.img -dhdb
> userdata.img -append "console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8 console=tty0
> androidboot.hardware=eee_701 vga=788"
> On May 21, 9:54 am, Chen Yang <> wrote:
> > have you specified the vga=788 in the cmdline? The vesafb can only be
> > started when booting up.
> > --
> >  Chen
> >
>  > On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Alex <> wrote:
> >
> > > I have installed android x86 eee_701 in VirtualBox successfuly.
> > > But the steps seem too repeated when I try to replace a kernel or
> > > system image.
> > > So I go to qemu emulator.
> >
> > > The problem I encounter is, seems it always fails to bring up the
> > > frame buffer, I mean it always go to a purely blank screen.
> >
> > > I tried 3 options in kernel frame buffer configuration.
> > > *****VESA VGA graphics support
> > > which fails to resize the qemu window, the logcat outputs continously:
> >
> > > ID/AndroidRuntime( 1829): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
> > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> > > D/AndroidRuntime( 1829): CheckJNI is ON
> > > D/AndroidRuntime( 1829): --- registering native functions ---
> > > E/Zygote  ( 1829): Couldn't find preloaded-classes.
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 618 objects / 28640 bytes in 16ms
> > > I/Zygote  ( 1829): Preloading resources...
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 95 objects / 2680 bytes in 5ms
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 129 objects / 5192 bytes in 5ms
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 340 objects / 14864 bytes in 7ms
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 206 objects / 7976 bytes in 7ms
> > > I/Zygote  ( 1829): ...preloaded 48 resources in 732ms.
> > > I/Zygote  ( 1829): ...preloaded 15 resources in 34ms.
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 117 objects / 7896 bytes in 7ms
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 145 objects / 5488 bytes in 7ms
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1829): GC freed 36 objects / 1328 bytes in 6ms
> > > I/dalvikvm( 1829): Splitting out new zygote heap
> > > I/dalvikvm( 1829): System server process 1830 has been created
> > > I/Zygote  ( 1829): Accepting command socket connections
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1830): Trying to load lib /system/lib/
> > > 0x0
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1830): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> > > 0x0
> > > I/sysproc ( 1830): Entered system_init()
> > > I/sysproc ( 1830): ServiceManager: 0x815ff00
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): SurfaceFlinger is starting
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run.
> > > Initializing graphics H/W...
> > > E/MemoryHeapBase( 1830): error opening /dev/pmem: No such file or
> > > directory
> > > E/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): Couldn't open /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep
> > > or /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake
> > > E/GLLogger( 1830): couldn't load <> library (Cannot find
> > > library)
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): EGL informations:
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): # of configs : 6
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): vendor    : Android
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): version   : 1.31 Android META-EGL
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): extensions:
> > > I/SurfaceFlinger( 1830): Client API: OpenGL ES
> > > W/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed, page flipping
> > > not supported
> > > W/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): page flipping not supported
> > > (yres_virtual=480, requested=960)
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): using (fd=20)
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): id           = VGA16 VGA
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): xres         = 640 px
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): yres         = 480 px
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): xres_virtual = 640 px
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): yres_virtual = 480 px
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): bpp          = 4
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): r            =  0:6
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): g            =  0:6
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): b            =  0:6
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): width        = 102 mm (159.372547 dpi)
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): height       = 76 mm (160.421050 dpi)
> > > I/EGLDisplaySurface( 1830): refresh rate = 68.38 Hz
> > > D/Zygote  ( 1829): Process 1830 terminated by signal (8)
> > > I/Zygote  ( 1829): Exit zygote because system server (1830) has
> > > terminated
> > > D/AndroidRuntime( 1849):
> > > D/AndroidRuntime( 1849): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
> > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >
> > > *****VGA 16-color graphics support
> > > which resizes the windows of qemu, but logcat also output the above
> > > message...
> >
> > > *****Cirrus logic support
> > > which fails to resize the windows of qemu, but logcat outputs the
> > > following message. Seems it has start up successfuly, just the frame
> > > buffer can not show anything.
> >
> > > D/MountListener( 1698): handleEvent ums_disabled
> > > D/MountListener( 1698): handleEvent ums_disconnected
> > > D/MobileDataStateTracker( 1698): CONNECTED event did not supply
> > > interface name.
> > > D/MobileDataStateTracker( 1698): DNS server addresses are not known.
> > > D/dalvikvm( 1698): GC freed 4279 objects / 188160 bytes in 700ms
> > > D/HomeLoaders( 1739): load applications
> > > D/HomeLoaders( 1739): loading user items
> > > D/HomeLoaders( 1739):   --> starting workspace loader
> > > I/ActivityManager( 1698): Start proc for
> > > broadcast
> >
> > > Has any successfully run android x86 in qemu? Or meet similar problem?
> > > Could you give me some help to fix it?
> >


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