I did it. Here a mail I sent to some people involved in ALSA.

I successfully bring up Android on ASUS EeePc. Wifi, LAN, Keyboard are
The last step is ALSA.

I enabled ALSA kernel support for it and specifically adding Intel HDA
All sysfs and devfs nodes are created correctly. Procfs returns
"right" outputs.

ALC662 is the Audio Chipset.
I added to the Android source tree (1.5 version, 05 april 2009):

    * hardware/alsa_sound
    * external/alsa-lib
    * external/alsa-utils

I checked Android.mk files: I have some doubt about LOCAL_ARM_MODE :=
arm definition.
Under my vendor folder I specified into BoardConfig.mk
In init.eee_701.rc (but I am not sure of Master and Capture names)
setprop alsa.mixer.playback.master Master
setprop alsa.mixer.capture.master Capture
setprop alsa.mixer.playback.earpiece Master
setprop alsa.mixer.capture.earpiece Capture
setprop alsa.mixer.playback.headset Master
setprop alsa.mixer.playback.speaker Master
In devices.c I specified system audio as owner of the inodes under /

I know that a file called asound.conf under system/etc/ folder is
necessary to bind correctly the mixer to Android. There's also
asound.state, produced launching alsa_ctl store 0.
In Logcat, at bootup, I get "Using stubbed audio hardware. No sound
will be produced."
I can launch alsa_ctr store / restore and asound.state is created
correctly (I think it is right).
I can launch alsa_aplay -l and audio card is listed.
Launching alsa_aplay file.wav it tells me "unable to install hw
Launching alsa_amixer -c 0 it goes on SIGSEGV when parsing the first
control 'Master', after it prints Limits: Playback 0 - 64.
Launching alsa_amixer controls or alsa_amixer scontrols it seems
compliant to conf and state files.
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