Hi all,
I am trying to port android 1.5 version to my imx-31 borad. I have
successfully ported till 1.1 version in my board without any issue.
This time i am building the RFS from the source code rather than
pulling the RFS from the emulator. Please help me if any one come
across the following error:

D/AndroidRuntime(   27): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime(   27): CheckJNI is ON
I/dalvikvm(   27): DexOpt: source file mod time mismatch (3aae8f72 vs
W/dalvikvm(   27): Cached DEX '/system/framework/core.jar' (/data/
dalvik-cache/sys...@framework@core....@classes.dex) is stale and not
I/dalvikvm(   27): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
D/dalvikvm(   27): Failed on '/system/framework/core.jar' (boot=1)
D/dalvikvm(   27): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm(   27): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 4100 of 4194304 (0%)
W/dalvikvm(   27): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
E/AndroidRuntime(   27): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
I/        (   28): ServiceManager: 0xac38
W/AudioHardwareInterface(   28): Using stubbed audio hardware. No
sound will be produced.
I/AudioFlinger(   28): AudioFlinger's thread ready to run for output 0
I/CameraService(   28): CameraService started: pid=28
D/AndroidRuntime(   39):

The above is the logcat output.
I have build android from the source code downloaded from the
repository. And copied the file system from the "out/target/product/
generic/" path.
The procedure i followed is as follows:

[r...@localhost]# cd /opt
[r...@localhost]# mkdir my_repo
[r...@localhost]# cd my_repo
[r...@localhost]# curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo > /bin/repo
[r...@localhost]# chmod a+x /bin/repo
[r...@localhost]# repo init -u 
[r...@localhost]# repo sync

I got the source and then.
[r...@localhost]# export PATH=<jdl path>:$PATH
[r...@localhost]# make TARGET_ARCH=arm
build/core/product_config.mk:261: WARNING: adding test OTA key
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: overriding commands for target
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: ignoring old commands for
target `out/target/product/generic/obj/include/libpv/
make: execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long
Install: out/target/product/generic/system/app/Mms.apk
---- here i skipped lot of line -----

[r...@localhost]# ls out/target/product/generic/
android-info.txt  clean_steps.mk  data  installed-files.txt  obj
ramdisk.img  root  symbols  system  system.img  userdata.img

I trying to copy the filesystem to my SD card (card is partitioned in
2, sdc1 and sdc2 and i am copying the RFS to sda1 and the format is

[r...@localhost]# mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sdcard1

[r...@localhost]# mkdir /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a ramdisk.img /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a system.img /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a userdata.img /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a system /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a data /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cp -a root /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# cd /opt/android_RFS_1.5

[r...@localhost]# gzip -cd ramdisk.img > ramdisk

[r...@localhost]# cpio -iv -F ramdisk

Since i could not mount and extract system.img and userdata.img, i
have extracted data and system folders from the running emulator by
using adb.

[r...@localhost]# cp -a ./* /mnt/sdcard1

[r...@localhost]# sync

[r...@localhost]# umount /dev/sdc1

I have put the sdcard to my target board and booted up, the LCD
display is showing Android and it hangs and when i check the logcat
output the above error i could get.

Please advice me what the wrong step i am doing. And if any of you
came across the above error please advice me how to fix the same. Also
is there any links or mail threads which i can refer to.

Thank you.

With regds,
Shyjumon N

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