Sorry for my mis-type. It may be not a crash but reboot.

The rild will reboot when receiving sms.

I think there are two print messages that may find root causes:

1. W/RILC    ( 1254): EOS.  Closing command socket.

2. <6>binder: 802:821 transaction failed 29189, size 168-0.

Why "EOS.  Closing command socket" cause rild to reboot?

Why binder report "transaction failed"?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:28 AM, David Turner<> wrote:
> Do you have a stack trace for the crash? It should give you much information
> about the reason for the bug.
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:51 AM, edwardlee lee <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am porting ril in android. Phone call is fine and I also can send
>> sms.But rild will crash when there is a sms come.
>> Here is radio log.
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0079]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
>> D/RIL     ( 1254): onRequest: SIGNAL_STRENGTH
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT> AT+CSQ
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT< +CSQ: 9,99
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT< OK
>> D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0079]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {9, 99}
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT< +CMT: "",26
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT<
>> 0891683108200105F0040D91683116612260F60000907082223055230677B2D92C3E03
>> D/GSM     ( 1224): SMS SC address: +8613800210500
>> D/GSM     ( 1224): SMS SC timestamp: 1248789835000
>> D/GSM     ( 1224): New SMS Message Received
>> D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0080]> SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE
>> D/RIL     ( 1254): onRequest: SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT> AT+CNMA=1
>> D/GSM     ( 1260): SMS SC address: +8613800210500
>> D/GSM     ( 1260): SMS SC timestamp: 1248789835000
>> D/AT      ( 1254): AT< OK
>> D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0080]< SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE
>> W/RILC    ( 1254): EOS.  Closing command socket.
>> <6>binder: 802:821 transaction failed 29189, size 168-0
>> <6>binder: 802:821 transaction failed 29189, size 168-0
>> I/RILC    ( 1254): libril: new connection
>> I/RILC    ( 1254): RIL Daemon version: android reference-ril 1.0
>> I/RILJ    ( 1389): Connected to 'rild' socket
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): Radio ON @ init; reset to OFF
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0000]> RADIO_POWER
>> D/RIL     ( 1254): onRequest: RADIO_POWER
>> W/GSM     ( 1389): Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml
>> W/GSM     ( 1389): Can't open /system/etc/spn-conf.xml
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedEnabled
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedDisabled
>> E/RILJ    ( 1389): Hit EOS reading message length
>> I/RILJ    ( 1389): Disconnected from 'rild' socket
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0000]< RADIO_POWER error:
>> I/RIL     ( 1411): Opening tty device /dev/pts/0
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0000]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0000]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error:
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 home null null
>> null ] newSS=[1 home null null null ] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1
>> oldType=unknown newType=unknown
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnectionTracker] Radio is off and clean up
>> all connection
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnectionTracker] Clean up connection due to
>> radioTurnedOff
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnectionTracker] setState: IDLE
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnectionTracker] ***trySetupData due to
>> roamingOff
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DSAC DEB] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [DataConnectionTracker] trySetupData: Not ready for
>> data:  dataState=IDLE gprsState=1 sim=false UMTS=false phoneState=IDLE
>> dataEnabled=true roaming=false dataOnRoamingEnable=false ps
>> restricted=false
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): [GsmSimCard] Broadcasting intent
>> I/RILJ    ( 1389): Connected to 'rild' socket
>> I/RILC    ( 1411): libril: new connection
>> I/RILC    ( 1411): RIL Daemon version: Enfora EDG308 RIL 1.0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> ATE0Q0V1
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): Notifying: radio available
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0001]> RADIO_POWER
>> D/GSM     ( 1389): Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 home null null
>> null ] newSS=[3 home null null null ] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1
>> oldType=unknown newType=unknown
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0002]> SCREEN_STATE: true
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0003]> BASEBAND_VERSION
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0004]> GET_IMEI
>> D/RILJ    ( 1389): [0005]> GET_IMEISV
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CFUN=0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< +CME ERROR: 4
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> ATE0Q0V1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> ATS0=0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CMEE=1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CREG=1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CRC=1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CGREG=1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CCWA=1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CMOD=0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CMUT=0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CSSN=0,1
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+COLP=0
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT< OK
>> D/AT      ( 1411): AT> AT+CSCS="UCS2"
> >


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