Since there is a fault on my beagleboard I am unable to capture from the
onboard mic in.

I am trying to use a usb camera on capture  is working.I want
to use the uac input as mic on android.

I am able to record from the usb mic  by using alsa_arecord .
I am trying to configure asound.conf but I don't understand how it has to be
configured.I tried changing the device name in asound.conf
This is how it looks as of now. Can anyone tell me what are hooks ?

# #
# # Mixer devices
# #
ctl.AndroidPlayback {
    type hw
    card omap3beagle # Can replace with drivers name from /proc/asound/cards

ctl.AndroidRecord {
    type hw
    card U0x46d0x9a2

pcm_slave.slave_record {
    pcm AndroidRecord_Speaker_normal_plug

pcm.AndroidRecord_Speaker_normal_plug {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
        type hw
        card U0x46d0x9a2
        device 0

# #
# # Playback devices
# #
pcm.AndroidPlayback {
    type hooks
    slave.pcm {
        type hw
        card omap3beagle
        device 0
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [
            name 'DAC2 Digital Fine Playback Volume'
            value.0 63
            value.1 63
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Switch'
            value.0 true
            value.1 true
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Volume'
            value.0 18
            value.1 18

pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker {
    type hooks
    slave.pcm {
        type hw
        card omap3beagle
        device 0
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [

            name 'DAC2 Digital Fine Playback Volume'
            value.0 63
            value.1 63
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Switch'
            value.0 true
            value.1 true
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Volume'
            value.0 18
            value.1 18


pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker_normal {
    type hooks
    slave.pcm {
        type hw
        card omap3beagle
        device 0
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [

            name 'DAC2 Digital Fine Playback Volume'
            value.0 63
            value.1 63
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Switch'
            value.0 true
            value.1 true
            name 'DAC2 Analog Playback Volume'
            value.0 18
            value.1 18



pcm.AndroidPlayback_Bluetooth-A2DP_normal {
    type null

pcm.AndroidPlayback_Bluetooth-A2DP_ringtone {
    type null

pcm.AndroidRecord {
    type hooks
    slave slave_record
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [
            name 'Analog Capture Volume'
            value.0 50
            value.1 50
            name 'Analog Right Capture Route'
            value AUXR
            name 'Analog Left Capture Route'
            value AUXL
            name 'TX1 Capture Route'
            value Analog


pcm.AndroidRecord_Speaker {
    type hooks
    slave slave_record
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [
            name 'Analog Capture Volume'
            value.0 40
            value.1 40
            name 'Analog Right Capture Route'
            value AUXR
            name 'Analog Left Capture Route'
            value AUXL
            name 'TX1 Capture Route'
            value Analog



pcm.AndroidRecord_Speaker_normal {
    type hooks
    slave slave_record
    hooks.0 {
        type ctl_elems
        hook_args [
            name 'Analog Capture Volume'
            value.0 30
            value.1 30
            name 'Analog Right Capture Route'
            value AUXR
            name 'Analog Left Capture Route'
            value AUXL
            name 'TX1 Capture Route'
            value Analog



with regards vishal


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