
I find the TLS patch in following path. Can you please confirm whether it is
correct file or not?


Also do I need to enable TLS support in Kernel config? Our's is PXA255
(arm5vTe) board.


2010/1/5 linux newbie <linux.newbi...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for  your reply.
> Our's is PXA255 (arm5vTe). Do I still need to apply TLS patch for
> bionic and GL??
> let me try to find out the patch over internet and get back to you.
> Thanks
> 2010/1/5 Atsuo Igarashi <atsuoigara...@gmail.com>:
>> OK, the following link is a kernel side solution for the TLS issue.
>> http://elinux.org/Android_on_OMAP#TLS_issue
>> or embinux had the TLS patch for bionic & libGLES_CM, but the page is
>> not found now.
>> probably you can search the patch somewhere..
>> Regards,
>> Atsuo
>> On 1月5日, 午後3:08, linux newbie <linux.newbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Can you please explain me in brief??
>>> 2010/1/5 Atsuo Igarashi <atsuoigara...@gmail.com>:
>>> > Hi,
>>> > How about the TLS patch?
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Atsuo
>>> > On 1月5日, 午後1:24, linux newbie <linux.newbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >> Any suggestion for this issue?
>>> >> Thanks
>>> >> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 6:06 PM, linux newbie <
linux.newbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> > Hi,
>>> >> > I downloaded the android sdk and extracted images.
>>> >> > I am getting following error while booting on my target hardware. I
>>> >> > can see "Hackdroid" on my screen and got Android console. Please
>>> >> > me in resolving this issue.
>>> >> > # logcat
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): debuggerd: Nov 23 2009 12:01:01
>>> >> > I/vold    ( 1274): Android Volume Daemon version 2.0
>>> >> > E/vold    ( 1274): Unable to open '/sys/class/mmc_host' (No such
>>> >> > or directory)
>>> >> > E/vold    ( 1274): Unable to open '/sys/class/switch' (No such file
>>> >> > directory)
>>> >> > D/vold    ( 1274): Bootstrapping complete
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
>>> >> > *** *** ***
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): Build fingerprint:
>>> >> > 'generic/sdk/generic/:2.0.1/ESD54/20723:eng/test-keys'
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): pid: 1280, tid: 1280  >>> /system/bin/keystore
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr cd6fa3ab
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r0 cd6fa3ab  r1 af515998  r2 af511c24  r3
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r4 af50b3d4  r5 b0010220  r6 0000060c  r7
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r8 00000000  r9 00000000  10 00000000  fp
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  ip afe0d870  sp be823b68  lr b0000491  pc
>>> >> >  cpsr 40000030
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #00  pc b000850c  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #01  pc b000048c  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #02  pc b00004ea  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #03  pc b0000508  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #04  pc b0000640  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #05  pc b0001844  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #06  pc b0001b70  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #07  pc b000155a  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #08  pc b00017d4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #09  pc b0001ab4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around pc:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00084fc 2300b510 3301e004 d1012a00 e0042000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b000850c 5ccc5cc2 d0f642a2 bd101b10 5cca2300
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b000851c 330154c2 d1fa2a00 46c04770 4b05b510
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around lr:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b0000480 9a000134 6821191c 1c391850 f836f008
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b0000490 d1092800 09037b20 d0022b01 d1032b02
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00004a0 89e1e008 d1052900 00b6682a 2e005996
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): stack:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b28  b00163d0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b2c  b000f448
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b30  b000fd00
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b34  afc20000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b38  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b3c  b0000559  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b40  afe3bcc4
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b44  0000001a
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b48  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b4c  00000009
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b50  b000ff30
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b54  be823b6c  [stack]
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b58  afc01989  /system/lib/libm.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b5c  b000fac4
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b60  df002777
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b64  e3a070ad
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): #00 be823b68  af50b3d4  /system/lib/libcrypto.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b6c  b0000491  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): #01 be823b70  af511c24  /system/lib/libcrypto.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b74  af505314  /system/lib/libcrypto.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b78  afc01efc  /system/lib/libm.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b7c  f0000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b80  af51599c  /system/lib/libcrypto.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b84  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b88  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be823b8c  b00004ef  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
>>> >> > *** *** ***
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): Build fingerprint:
>>> >> > 'generic/sdk/generic/:2.0.1/ESD54/20723:eng/test-keys'
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): pid: 1294, tid: 1294  >>>
/system/bin/mediaserver <<<
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr ac70b000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r0 00000000  r1 00000000  r2 00000000  r3
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r4 ac7087f8  r5 ac70b000  r6 b00108e0  r7
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r8 00000000  r9 00000000  10 00000000  fp
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  ip ac708904  sp be94ab08  lr ac704f03  pc
>>> >> >  cpsr 80000030
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #00  pc 00018976  /system/lib/libc.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #01  lr ac704f03  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around pc:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): afe18964 1c156820 95044005 9d08d022 20001c0b
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): afe18974 cd809103 97069e04 1c314017 681e4379
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): afe18984 198f4016 183f9906 0c0e9804 1c31801f
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around lr:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): ac704ef0 48154f14 22001863 605a601f 60da609a
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): ac704f00 625a611a 62da629a 645a631a 1c321821
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): ac704f10 f7fd2000 490dedda 30581c28 f7fd1861
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): stack:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aac8  40008000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aacc  ac702e8d  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aad0  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aad4  b000f448
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aad8  ac701834  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aadc  ac702e8d  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aae0  ac708af4
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aae4  afe43100
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aae8  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aaec  ac7087f8
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aaf0  ac708ac0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aaf4  afe43100
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aaf8  ac708af4
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94aafc  afe2ccd5  /system/lib/libc.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab00  df002777
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab04  e3a070ad
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): #00 be94ab08  ac704f51  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab0c  ac708004
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab10  00000002
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab14  00000004
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab18  00000009
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab1c  ac704f57  /system/lib/libEGL.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab20  00000000
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab24  b00001ff  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab28  b00108d4
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab2c  b00108e0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab30  000003f5
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab34  b00002c1  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab38  b0016600
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab3c  afe00000  /system/lib/libc.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab40  00000003
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab44  b00107f0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab48  b00107f0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     be94ab4c  000003e8
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
>>> >> > *** *** ***
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): Build fingerprint:
>>> >> > 'generic/sdk/generic/:2.0.1/ESD54/20723:eng/test-keys'
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): pid: 1301, tid: 1301  >>>
/system/bin/app_process <<<
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr cb6f2d33
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r0 b0010a20  r1 00000000  r2 bef4dad4  r3
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r4 f0000000  r5 cb6f2d33  r6 b0010aac  r7
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  r8 00000000  r9 00000000  10 00000000  fp
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):  ip afe19ab9  sp bef4da90  lr b000050d  pc
>>> >> >  cpsr 80000030
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #00  pc b00004de  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #01  pc b0000508  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #02  pc b0000640  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #03  pc b0001844  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #04  pc b0001b70  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #05  pc b000155a  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #06  pc b00017d4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #07  pc b0001b70  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #08  pc b000155a  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #09  pc b00017d4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #10  pc b0001b70  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #11  pc b000155a  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #12  pc b00017d4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):          #13  pc b0001ab4  /system/bin/linker
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around pc:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00004cc 0109e007 1c0e1989 40714026 35010e37
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00004dc 782e4079 d1f42e00 68116011 f7ff1c1a
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00004ec bdf8ffaf b08db5f0 46699106 9105312c
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): code around lr:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b00004fc 23009208 9a059906 930b9004 ffd8f7ff
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b000050c 1c074c2c 2800447c 9d04d001 9804e04f
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): b000051c 9d044929 18623098 92076806 2000320c
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275): stack:
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     bef4da50  b00107f0
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     bef4da54  bef4da6c  [stack]
>>> >> > I/DEBUG   ( 1275):     bef4da58  af51c106  /system/lib/libcrypto.so
>>> >> > I/DEBUG
>>> ...
>>> もっと読む ≫
>> --
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