Hi All,

I am running a client application in target which receives the read/
write request from Modem side. To serve the read/write request for
files, application access the NFS file system(Local NFS). The client
uses the  RPC node to receive the Modem read/write request.  It access
the NFS file system on Host side through the SUNRPC.

Issue:  When we run the application on target , we receive “
RPC: Unknown protocol”.
Here the Client application is calling the “clnt_create” which gets
the handle on a remote host where the local  server is located. The
one of the parameter of “clnt_create” is “protocol” and the value of
which is “UDP”.

I tested the same application at Kernel Level rootfs and it works
fine. There is “protocol” file present in Kernel rootfs /etc folder.
This protocol file contains the list of protocols and the protocol
numbers understood by the IP layer.

I copied the protocol file in Android rootfs /etc folder but
application still gives the same warning.

Where i should define the protocols in Android?
Is that warning coming because of protocol file not recognized by
Android or something else needs to be done for setting the NFS on

Will appreciate your reply and suggestions.


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