Are there currently any plans on making the Launcher2 work on MDPI/LDPI
devices? I noticed that the biggest problem is the useless rollo effect on
the launcher. I could simply replace the view that's launched with a sliding
drawer and handle the all-apps grid like on the previous Launcher, but I've
found that the best option is to disable the top/bottom portions of the app
drawer (the rollo effect) by commenting out the calls to drawTop and
drawBottom in the main class of rollo3.c. However, the part that hosts the
apps is not centered due to the 110 px offset that was introduced to make
space for the rollo, and the code is so specifically made for the N1 screen
size that any changes to that offset throw off the rest of the function. I
could (and actually I am) rewrite the whole function so that the code will
work on MDPI screens (specifically, 320x480), but that's not ideal either.
Is there work currently to make this feature work on all sorts of device
densities? If so, then I just might wait for a release rather than dust out
the old C book.


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