With ECLAIR's source code, trying to compile opencore module
separatley I get some missing included files as well as some  missing
"-I" options in the build system.
Can anybody point me at the right/quickest fixes for this?

Here's the list of really missing files during the build:
tools_v2/build/make/entry_point.mk:142: build_config/opencore_dynamic/
build/installed_include/ALL_HDRS_INSTALLED: No such file or directory
tools_v2/build/make/entry_point.mk:143: build_config/opencore_dynamic/
build/installed_lib/linux/ALL_LIBS_INSTALLED: No such file or
nodes/pvomxencnode/src/pvmf_omx_enc_node.cpp:55:23: error: utils/
Log.h: No such file or directory
nodes/pvomxvideodecnode/src/pvmf_omx_videodec_node.cpp:36:23: error:
utils/Log.h: No such file or directory
nodes/pvomxaudiodecnode/src/pvmf_omx_audiodec_node.cpp:37:23: error:
utils/Log.h: No such file or directory
codecs_v2/omx/omx_m4v/src/mpeg4_dec.cpp:31:23: error: utils/Log.h: No
such file or directory

The following files are there but their path does not show up as a "-
I" option:
pvmf_omx_basedec_node.h:85:22: error: OMX_Core.h: No such file or
pvmf_omx_basedec_node.h:89:27: error: OMX_Component.h: No such file or
pvmf_omx_basedec_callbacks.h:30:23: error: OMX_Types.h: No such file
or directory

As a consequence of the above here are the symbols the compiler fails
to recognise:
 'ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO' was not declared in this scope
 'LOGE' was not declared in this scope
 'LOGW' was not declared in this scope
 'OMX_BOOL' does not name a type
 'OMX_CALLBACKTYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_ERRORTYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_EVENTTYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_EXTRADATATYPE' has not been declared
 'OMX_HANDLETYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_PTR' does not name a type
 'OMX_PTR' has not been declared
 'OMX_STATETYPE' does not name a type
 'OMX_TICKS' does not name a type
 'OMX_U32' does not name a type
 'OMX_U32' has not been declared
 'PRIO_PROCESS' was not declared in this scope
 'PVLOGMSG_STACK_ERR' was not declared in this scope
 'gettimeofday' was not declared in this scope
 'setpriority' was not declared in this scope
 ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE' with no type
 ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'OMX_TICKS' with no type
 class 'InputBufCtrlStruct' does not have any field named 'pBufHdr'

This is happening only in ECLAIR's code. The master branch compiles
Thank you for any help.

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