how about having a local color conversion at surfaceflinger/displayhardware
(like RGBA-to-BGRA), just before posting the buffer??

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:15 PM, manjunath <> wrote:

> Hi,
> My hardware expect the pixel format for 32-bit to of BGRA instead of
> RGBA which android is currently supporting.
> Can anyone help me how and where to change the code for BGRA pixel
> format.
> I changed  the format in   SurfaceFlinger::createNormalSurfaceLocked
> function in SurfaceFlinger.cpp. i.e. instead of
>        // format = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;
>         format = PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888;
> I also changed the format in DisplayHardware.cpp and
> EGLDisplaySurface.cpp to  BGRA format.
> But this change is not helping me on my target. when i launch a 32-bit
> application like browser, I see the screen gets dim and no window
> opens up.
> I'm working on android 1.6x86.  Please help
> Thanks,
> Manjunath
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