Hiattach has bcm specific initialisation.

Till now to run BT I didn't do start bluetoothd command.
Also after 2 hciattach's when i manaually give hciconfig hci0 up, it gives
me Connection timed out(110) error.
But inspite of this BT will be start when clicked , since i have given those
2 commands( i guess)

I used to check /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0 for power state.
Here state will be 1 when boot up.
Is this right parameter to check?

I also checked with 2 hciattach's in init.rc , It didn't work either.
Also , if i give bluetoothd -start i get this :
# bluetoothd -start
bluetoothd -start
** (process:2648): CRITICAL (recursed) **: g_convert_with_fallback:
assertion `to_codeset != NULL' failed
[1] + Stopped (signal)        bluetoothd -start

Further, When bluetooth starts successfully(cmd line - 2 commands) heres

01-01 00:24:58.711: INFO/ActivityManager(2509): Displayed activity
com.android.settings/.bluetooth.BluetoothSettings: 310 ms (total 310 ms)
01-01 00:24:59.806: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2509): Bluetooth state 0 -> 1
01-01 00:25:02.030: INFO/bluedroid(2509): Starting hciattach daemon
01-01 00:25:02.061: INFO/bluedroid(2509): Starting bluetoothd deamon
01-01 00:25:05.311: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(2509): event_filter:
Received signal org.freedesktop.DBus:NameAcquired from /org/freedesktop/DBus
01-01 00:25:05.416: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2509): Bluetooth state 1 -> 2
01-01 00:25:05.456: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2616): GC freed 1276 objects / 95736
bytes in 440ms
01-01 00:25:05.471: VERBOSE/A2dpAudioInterface(1880): setParameters()
01-01 00:25:05.551: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(2509): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/2482/hci0
01-01 00:25:05.571: INFO/bluetooth_ScoSocket.cpp(2550): Listening SCO
01-01 00:25:05.671: INFO/BluetoothPbapService(2616): Starting PBAP service
01-01 00:25:05.706: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2976): GC freed 3503 objects / 212264
bytes in 167ms
01-01 00:25:14.666: INFO/BtOpp RfcommListener(2616): Accept thread started
on channel 12
01-01 00:25:15.816: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(2509): event_filter:
Received signal org.bluez.Adapter:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/2482/hci0

When error, this is the log:

01-01 00:01:24.536: INFO/ActivityManager(1928): Displayed activity
com.android.settings/.bluetooth.BluetoothSettings: 306 ms (total 306 ms)
01-01 00:01:25.181: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1928): Bluetooth state 0 -> 1
01-01 00:01:27.386: INFO/bluedroid(1928): Starting hciattach daemon
01-01 00:01:30.411: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2020): GC freed 2082 objects / 181736
bytes in 67ms
01-01 00:01:37.571: ERROR/bluedroid(1928): *bt_enable: Timeout waiting for
HCI device to come up*
01-01 00:01:37.571: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1928): Bluetooth state 1 -> 0
01-01 00:01:37.681: ERROR/libdbus(1928): arguments to
dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "path != NULL"
failed in file external/dbus/dbus/dbus-message.c line 1070.
01-01 00:01:37.681: ERROR/libdbus(1928): This is normally a bug in some
application using the D-Bus library.
01-01 00:01:37.681: DEBUG/libc-abort(1928): abort() called in pid 1928
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877): Build fingerprint:
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877): pid: 1928, tid: 2033  >>>
system_server <<<
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877):  r0 00000027  r1 afe2f218  r2
afe2f23d  r3 afe10635
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877):  r4 afe37e08  r5 afe2f218  r6
deadbaad  r7 ae833d7d
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877):  r8 47b5eb80  r9 444e6eb8  10
444e6ea0  fp 002554e0
01-01 00:01:37.721: INFO/DEBUG(1877):  ip 000a3832  sp 47b5ea18  lr
afe1f34d  pc afe1063e  cpsr a0000030
01-01 00:01:37.781: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2104): GC freed 3477 objects / 211640
bytes in 174ms
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #00  pc 0001063e
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #01  pc 0002c28c
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #02  pc 00016086
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #03  pc 00020db0
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #04  pc 0004d450
01-01 00:01:37.851: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #05  pc 0004d56a
01-01 00:01:37.861: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #06  pc 0004f176
01-01 00:01:37.861: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #07  pc 0000f174
01-01 00:01:37.861: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #08  pc 00037f16
01-01 00:01:37.861: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #09  pc 0003159a
01-01 00:01:37.861: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #10  pc 00013ed8
01-01 00:01:37.866: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #11  pc 000196b4
01-01 00:01:37.866: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #12  pc 00018c88
01-01 00:01:37.866: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #13  pc 0004dbd2
01-01 00:01:37.866: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #14  pc 0003b324
01-01 00:01:37.866: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #15  pc 0002d674
01-01 00:01:37.871: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #16  pc 0003d202
01-01 00:01:37.871: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #17  pc 0003d514
01-01 00:01:37.871: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #18  pc 0001540c
01-01 00:01:37.871: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #19  pc 00018ae4
01-01 00:01:37.896: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #20  pc 00018cb2
01-01 00:01:37.896: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #21  pc 0001f33c
01-01 00:01:37.896: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #22  pc 0001b60c
01-01 00:01:37.896: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #23  pc 0002886e
01-01 00:01:37.896: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #24  pc 0001ba36
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #25  pc 0000f8d0
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):          #26  pc 0000f3a4
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877): stack:
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9d8  47b5ea14
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9dc  afe13ab3
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9e0  afe3802c
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9e4  afe37fd8
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9e8  00000000
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9ec  afe13ce5
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9f0  00000000
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9f4  be596834
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9f8  00015e58  [heap]
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5e9fc  afe37e08
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea00  afe2f218
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea04  00002ed8
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea08  ae833d7d
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea0c  afe10635
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea10  df002777
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea14  e3a070ad
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877): #00 47b5ea18  afe37fd8
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea1c  ae83a22c
01-01 00:01:37.901: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea20  ae833d7d
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea24  afe176cf
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea28  ae833d7d
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea2c  fffffbdf
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea30  ae8423c4
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea34  afe37fd8
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea38  ae83a22c
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea3c  ae82c28f
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877): #01 47b5ea40  ae8423c4
01-01 00:01:37.921: INFO/DEBUG(1877):     47b5ea44  ae81608b
01-01 00:01:40.816: INFO/ActivityThread(2094): Removing dead content
provider: settings
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
01-01 00:01:40.821: ERROR/BluetoothAdapter(2073):     at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
01-01 00:01:40.826: INFO/ServiceManager(1875): service 'batteryinfo' died
01-01 00:01:40.826: INFO/ServiceManager(1875): service 'activity.services'
01-01 00:01:40.826: INFO/ServiceManager(1875): service 'usagestats' died

and all service die and it restarts.

Can you please advice on this

Thanks ,

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Pavan Savoy <pavan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> there should really be on 1 hciattach, i.e it needs to be run once..
> I guess with mentioning bcmxxxx, the hciattach would have a custom
> _init and _post function which does BCM specific initialization, like
> setting baud-rate via HCI-VS and fw download...
> but via cmd line.. you should probably be doing an start bluetoothd
> before doing hciattach, in case hciattach also needs hci0 to be up ...
> also how do you make sure chip is ON ?
> Is it ON always? on boot ?
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Ajith Kamath <sjce.aj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Pavan,
> > But doing only hciattach with device type as 'any' doesn't work.( I tried
> > that now , inside init.rc)
> > Do i need to put second hciattach with dev type as 'bcm2035' in
> init.rc???
> >
> > Also in command line only after exceution of both commands , i get
> buletooth
> > running.
> > I stumbled across this by accident. But to do have anyidea why is it
> needed
> > twice?
> >
> > When I run command with dev type any i get :
> > #hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 any 460800 flow NULL
> > hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 any 460800 flow NULL
> > Device setup complete
> >
> > Next when I run with bcm2035 i get:
> > # hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 bcm2035 460800 flow NULL
> > hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 bcm2035 460800 flow NULL
> > Failed to write reset command
> > Can't initialize device: Unknown error: 0
> >
> >
> > But only after I completed both the steps, BT will be up. Else, it will
> > restart the device.
> > Also if i directly start off with bcm2035 it give me initialization timed
> > out error.
> > Any advice??
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ajith
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Pavan Savoy <pavan.sa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:19 PM, Pavan Savoy <pavan.sa...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > #service hciattachd /system/bin/hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1
> >> > any 460800 flow NULL
> >> >        #user root
> >> >        #group bluetooth net_bt_admin
> >> >        #disabled
> >> >    #oneshot
> >> >
> >> > is almost correct except for the hciattach"d" part..
> >> > so your entry should be ...
> >> >
> >> > service hciattach /system/bin/hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 any
> >> > 460800 flow NULL
> >> >        user root
> >> >        group bluetooth net_bt_admin
> >> >        disabled
> >> >    oneshot
> >> >
> >> > And no there is no hcid anymore since bluez4.x.. it is now
> >> > bluetoothd.. which you have it properly..
> >> >
> >> > Assuming you have your rfkill driver in right place, and it has
> >> > exposed the /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state entry .. everything should
> >> > automagically work !!
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Ajith Kamath <sjce.aj...@gmail.com>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> Hi all,
> >> >>
> >> >> I'm able to start bluetooth after porting only from command line.
> >> >> I give following commands and it works
> >> >>
> >> >> #hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 any 460800 flow NULL
> >> >> #hciattach -s 115200 /dev/s3c_serial1 bcm2035 460800 flow NULL
> >> >>
> >> >> Doing this brings bluetooth up for me.
> >> >> But I want to put this in init.rc file so that it happens in boot
> >> >> itself.
> >> >> But its not working.
> >> >> Can someone tell how to put it in init.rc
> >> >>
> >> >> Also from references i have realised that hcid is not at all there in
> >> >> system/bin or in data/misc/hcid
> >> >> Can some one please advice on this.
> >> >>
> >> >> commented parts in init.rc relating to bluetooth are things I tried
> but
> >> >> didn't work
> >> >>
> >> >> Thanks,
> >> >> Ajith
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> unsubscribe: 
> >> >> android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com<android-porting%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
> >> >> website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > --Pavan Savoy
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> --Pavan Savoy
> >>
> >> --
> >> unsubscribe: 
> >> android-porting+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com<android-porting%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
> >> website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting
> >
> >
> --
> --Pavan Savoy

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