if you track through further in OMXMaster.cpp of Stagefright, you can see it
talks to PV OMX core only.

if you refer OMXMaster.cpp, you can see that you can also publish your own
OMX plugin (verndor specific) via libstagefrighthw.so lib.,

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 4:00 PM, praji <prajeesh.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I want to know whether we can make use of PV OMX core API's like
> OMX_GetParameter, OMX_SetParameter, OMX_EmptyThisBuffer etc through
> stagefright?
> Currently in the froyo source code, found that the calls to
> GetParameter, SetParameter etc is done through IOMX.cpp as given
> below:
> -->virtual status_t setParameter(node_id node, OMX_INDEXTYPE
> index,const void *params, size_t size)
> Can anyone please let me know how can we use OMX_SetParameter (PV
> defined) through stagefright?
> Thanks,
> Prajeesh
> --
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