Hey there, I'm having slight confusion over how the GPS works exactly.
I'm trying to implement GPS on an OMAP board.

This is the error im getting when running a GPS app
I/ActivityManager(  794): Starting activity: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.yunnanexplorer.android.ygps/.YGPS }
I/ActivityManager(  794): Start proc com.yunnanexplorer.android.ygps
for activity com.yunnanexplorer.android.ygps/.YGPS: pid=1006 uid=10019
D/LocationManager( 1006): Constructor: service =
D/GpsLocationProvider(  794): setMinTime 0
D/GpsLocationProvider(  794): startNavigating
D/gps_fr  (  794): gps fix frquency set to 1 secs
D/gps_fr  (  794): freerunner_gps_start: called
D/gps_fr  (  794): gps_state_start: could not send CMD_START command:
ret=-1: Bad file number
D/GpsLocationProvider(  794): setMinTime 0
D/dalvikvm( 1006): Total arena pages for JIT: 2
I/ActivityManager(  794): Displayed activity
com.yunnanexplorer.android.ygps/.YGPS: 785 ms (total 785 ms)
E/gralloc (  794): [unregister] handle 0x3ca3f8 still locked

This is the code where its crashing

static void
gps_state_start( GpsState*  s )
    char  cmd = CMD_START;
    int   ret;

    do { ret=write( s->control[0], &cmd, 1 ); }
    while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);

    if (ret != 1){
        D("%s: could not send CMD_START command: ret=%d: %s",
          __FUNCTION__, ret, strerror(errno));

This code is mostly from the gps_freerunner.cpp implementation.

Just tracing back in the code, i realized that it could be an issue
with the variable "_gps_state" because thats where it's stopping...
What is "_gps_state" exactly?? And where is it set? Seems to be null.

Please help i'm going mental. I've been searching all day and night...
even translating asian websites to try to figure this out :(

Any help is much appreciated,

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