I'm trying to port Froyo on a device which already runs Eclair
correctly. The system is stuck with the Android animation logo. Logcat
follows. Any idea what's wrong?


--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/DEBUG   (  117): debuggerd: Sep  9 2010 13:14:44
W/libdbus (  121): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold    (  116): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
E/Vold    (  116): Error reading configuration (No such file or
directory)... continuing anyways
W/Vold    (  116): No UMS switch available
D/AndroidRuntime(  119):
D/AndroidRuntime(  119): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime(  119): CheckJNI is ON
D/dalvikvm(  119): creating instr width table
I/        (  120): ServiceManager: 0xacd0
E/ALSALib (  120): external/alsa-lib/src/control/control.c:909:
(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL AndroidPlayback
W/AudioHardwareALSA(  120): Unable to attach mixer to device
AndroidPlayback: No such file or directory
E/ALSALib (  120): external/alsa-lib/src/control/control.c:909:
(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL AndroidCapture
W/AudioHardwareALSA(  120): Unable to attach mixer to device
AndroidCapture: No such file or directory
I/CameraService(  120): CameraService started: pid=120
D/AudioHardwareALSA(  120): openOutputStream called for devices:
D/ALSAModule(  120): open called for devices 00000002 in mode 0...
E/ALSALib (  120): external/alsa-lib/src/pcm/pcm.c:2201:
(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM AndroidPlayback_Speaker_normal
E/ALSALib (  120): external/alsa-lib/src/pcm/pcm.c:2201:
(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM AndroidPlayback_Speaker
E/ALSALib (  120): external/alsa-lib/src/pcm/pcm.c:2201:
(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM AndroidPlayback
I/ALSAModule(  120): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device default
I/AudioFlinger(  120): AudioFlinger's thread 0x33700 ready to run
D/ALSAModule(  120): route called for devices 00000002 in mode 0...
E/AudioHardwareALSA(  120): CALLING STANDBY
D/AndroidRuntime(  119): --- registering native functions ---
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration(  119): Profiler is disabled.
I/Zygote  (  119): Preloading classes...
E/Zygote  (  119): setreuid() failed. errno: 2
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 821 objects / 47496 bytes in 3ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 219 objects / 13600 bytes in 4ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 253 objects / 14360 bytes in 4ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 466 objects / 28880 bytes in 5ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2090 objects / 108368 bytes in
W/MediaProfiles(  119): could not find media config xml file
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 279 objects / 15976 bytes in 7ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5040 objects / 224208 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 11310 objects / 384584 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9866 objects / 463664 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8632 objects / 420952 bytes in
W/libdbus (  132): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 7515 objects / 462104 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8078 objects / 459736 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 7639 objects / 458776 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6916 objects / 457928 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1223 objects / 82744 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 598 objects / 29016 bytes in 20ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 445 objects / 24592 bytes in 21ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 308 objects / 35136 bytes in 28ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 279 objects / 19000 bytes in 29ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 341 objects / 18448 bytes in 29ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 449 objects / 28360 bytes in 30ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 527 objects / 52912 bytes in 33ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 623 objects / 34008 bytes in 33ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 861 objects / 46928 bytes in 33ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1747 objects / 85512 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 447 objects / 29424 bytes in 34ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 315 objects / 20144 bytes in 35ms
I/Zygote  (  119): ...preloaded 1265 classes in 5020ms.
E/Zygote  (  119): setreuid() failed. errno: 2
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 104 objects / 14208 bytes in 34ms
I/Zygote  (  119): Preloading resources...
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080093 (res/
drawable-mdpi/sym_def_app_icon.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080002 (res/
drawable-mdpi/arrow_down_float.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b3 (res/
drawable/btn_check.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b6 (res/
drawable-mdpi/btn_check_label_background.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800b7 (res/
drawable-mdpi/btn_check_off.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10800bc (res/
drawable-mdpi/btn_check_on.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080004 (res/
drawable/btn_default.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080005 (res/
drawable/btn_default_small.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080006 (res/
drawable/btn_dropdown.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080008 (res/
drawable/btn_plus.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080007 (res/
drawable/btn_minus.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080009 (res/
drawable/btn_radio.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108000a (res/
drawable/btn_star.xml) that varies with configuration!!
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 421 objects / 25872 bytes in 35ms
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080131 (res/
drawable/btn_toggle.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080194 (res/
drawable-mdpi/ic_emergency.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080012 (res/
drawable-mdpi/divider_horizontal_bright.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080014 (res/
drawable-mdpi/divider_horizontal_dark.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080016 (res/
drawable/edit_text.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108016d (res/
drawable/expander_group.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080062 (res/
drawable/list_selector_background.xml) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080227 (res/
drawable-mdpi/menu_background.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080228 (res/
drawable-mdpi/menu_background_fill_parent_width.9.png) that varies
with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080229 (res/
drawable/menu_selector.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080234 (res/
drawable-mdpi/panel_background.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023b (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_bottom_bright.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023c (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_bottom_dark.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023d (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_bottom_medium.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023e (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_center_bright.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108023f (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_center_dark.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080242 (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_full_dark.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080245 (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_top_bright.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080246 (res/
drawable-mdpi/popup_top_dark.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108006d (res/
drawable/progress_indeterminate_horizontal.xml) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024c (res/
drawable/progress_small.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108024d (res/
drawable/progress_small_titlebar.xml) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080270 (res/
drawable-mdpi/scrollbar_handle_horizontal.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080271 (res/
drawable-mdpi/scrollbar_handle_vertical.9.png) that varies with
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 477 objects / 32616 bytes in 35ms
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080071 (res/
drawable/spinner_dropdown_background.xml) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080354 (res/
drawable-mdpi/title_bar_shadow.9.png) that varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d6 (res/
drawable-mdpi/indicator_code_lock_drag_direction_green_up.png) that
varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d7 (res/
drawable-mdpi/indicator_code_lock_drag_direction_red_up.png) that
varies with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d8 (res/
drawable-mdpi/indicator_code_lock_point_area_default.png) that varies
with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801d9 (res/
drawable-mdpi/indicator_code_lock_point_area_green.png) that varies
with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801da (res/
drawable-mdpi/indicator_code_lock_point_area_red.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801e8 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_left_end_confirm_gray.9.png) that varies
with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ec (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_left_end_normal.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801ed (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_left_end_pressed.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f1 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_right_end_confirm_gray.9.png) that varies
with configuration!!
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f5 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_right_end_normal.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801f6 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_bar_right_end_pressed.9.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x10801fb (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_gray.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080200 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_normal.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080201 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_pressed.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080203 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_gray.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x1080209 (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_normal.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020a (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_pressed.png) that varies with
W/Zygote  (  119): Preloaded drawable resource #0x108020d (res/
drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_target_gray.png) that varies with
I/Zygote  (  119): ...preloaded 61 resources in 374ms.
I/Zygote  (  119): ...preloaded 15 resources in 10ms.
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 503 objects / 37792 bytes in 35ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 150 objects / 5784 bytes in 35ms
D/dalvikvm(  119): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2 objects / 48 bytes in 35ms
I/dalvikvm(  119): System server process 133 has been created
I/Zygote  (  119): Accepting command socket connections
E/BatteryService(  133): acOnlinePath not found
E/BatteryService(  133): usbOnlinePath not found
E/BatteryService(  133): batteryHealthPath not found
E/BatteryService(  133): batteryCapacityPath not found
I/sysproc (  133): Entered system_init()
I/sysproc (  133): ServiceManager: 0x11d0d0
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run.
Initializing graphics H/W...
E/SurfaceFlinger(  133): Couldn't open /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep
or /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake
I/gralloc (  133): using (fd=23)
I/gralloc (  133): id           = omapfb
I/gralloc (  133): xres         = 1024 px
I/gralloc (  133): yres         = 600 px
I/gralloc (  133): xres_virtual = 1024 px
I/gralloc (  133): yres_virtual = 1200 px
I/gralloc (  133): bpp          = 16
I/gralloc (  133): r            = 11:5
I/gralloc (  133): g            =  5:6
I/gralloc (  133): b            =  0:5
I/gralloc (  133): width        = 47196 mm (0.551098 dpi)
I/gralloc (  133): height       = 49275 mm (0.309285 dpi)
I/gralloc (  133): refresh rate = 62.36 Hz
D/libEGL  (  133): egl.cfg not found, using default config
D/libEGL  (  133): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): EGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): # of configs : 8
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): vendor    : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): version   : 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base
EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
EGL_ANDROID_swap_rectangle EGL_ANDROID_get_render_buffer
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): Client API: OpenGL ES
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): EGLSurface: 5-6-5-0, config=0x1000000
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): flags     : 001c0000
W/SurfaceFlinger(  133): ro.sf.lcd_density not defined, using 160 dpi
by default.
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): OpenGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): vendor    : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): renderer  : Android PixelFlinger 1.3
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): version   : OpenGL ES-CM 1.0
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): extensions: GL_OES_byte_coordinates
GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_read_format
GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_draw_texture
GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_EGL_image
GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane
GL_ANDROID_vertex_buffer_object GL_ANDROID_generate_mipmap
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 4096
I/SurfaceFlinger(  133): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 4096
I/sysproc (  133): System server: starting Android runtime.
I/sysproc (  133): System server: starting Android services.
I/SystemServer(  133): Entered the Android system server!
I/sysproc (  133): System server: entering thread pool.
I/SystemServer(  133): Entropy Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Power Manager
D/libEGL  (  144): egl.cfg not found, using default config
D/libEGL  (  144): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
W/zipro   (  144): Unable to open zip '/data/local/bootanimation.zip':
No such file or directory
W/zipro   (  144): Unable to open zip '/system/media/
bootanimation.zip': No such file or directory
I/SystemServer(  133): Activity Manager
I/ActivityManager(  133): Memory class: 16
I/ARMAssembler(  133): generated
scanline__00000077:03010104_00000004_00000000 [ 22 ipp] (41 ins) at
[0x1f69c8:0x1f6a6c] in 335693 ns
I/ARMAssembler(  144): generated
scanline__00000077:03545404_00000A01_00000000 [ 30 ipp] (51 ins) at
[0x1c460:0x1c52c] in 274658 ns
W/UsageStats(  133): Usage stats version changed; dropping
I/SystemServer(  133): Telephony Registry
I/SystemServer(  133): Package Manager
I/installd(  122): new connection
I/Installer(  133): connecting...
I/PackageManager(  133): Libs: android.test.runner:/system/framework/
android.test.runner.jar javax.obex:/system/framework/javax.obex.jar
I/PackageManager(  133): Features:
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6211 objects / 258232 bytes in
W/PackageManager(  133): Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
W/libdbus (  151): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
D/PackageManager(  133): Scanning app dir /system/framework
D/PackageManager(  133): Scanning app dir /system/app
I/PackageParser(  133): org.jfedor.frozenbubble: compat added
I/PackageParser(  133): com.msi.ibm.eyes: compat added
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6517 objects / 338736 bytes in
D/PackageManager(  133): Scanning app dir /data/app
D/PackageManager(  133): Scanning app dir /data/app-private
I/PackageManager(  133): Time to scan packages: 3.35 seconds
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.gm.permission.WRITE_GMAIL in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_GMAIL in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in
package com.android.development
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in
package com.android.development
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in
package com.android.development
W/PackageManager(  133): Unknown permission
com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT in package
W/PackageManager(  133): Not granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package
com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x1be45)
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5571 objects / 331304 bytes in
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2646 objects / 169696 bytes in
I/SystemServer(  133): Account Manager
I/SystemServer(  133): Content Manager
I/SystemServer(  133): System Content Providers
I/ActivityThread(  133): Publishing provider settings:
I/SystemServer(  133): Battery Service
W/BatteryStatsImpl(  133): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats
I/SystemServer(  133): Lights Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Vibrator Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Alarm Manager
W/AlarmManager(  133): Failed to open alarm driver. Falling back to a
I/SystemServer(  133): Init Watchdog
I/SystemServer(  133): Sensor Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Window Manager
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event5 name=MMA7455L
id=0x10000 (of 0x1) index=1 fd=43 classes=0x0
E/EventHub(  133): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice,
Not a typewriter
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event6 name=omap3
Headset Jack id=0x10001 (of 0x2) index=2 fd=45 classes=0x0
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event1 name=ADS7846
Touchscreen id=0x10002 (of 0x3) index=3 fd=46 classes=0x4
E/EventHub(  133): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0,
Not a typewriter
E/KeyLayoutMap(  133): /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl:167: expected
keycode, got 'BACK\nkey'
I/EventHub(  133): New keyboard: device->id=0x10003 devname='Always
Innovating Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad'
propName='hw.keyboards.65539.devname' keylayout='/system/usr/keylayout/
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event8 name=Always
Innovating Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad id=0x10003 (of
0x4) index=4 fd=48 classes=0x41
E/EventHub(  133): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse3,
Not a typewriter
E/KeyLayoutMap(  133): /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl:167: expected
keycode, got 'BACK\nkey'
I/EventHub(  133): New keyboard: device->id=0x10004 devname='Always
Innovating Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad'
propName='hw.keyboards.65540.devname' keylayout='/system/usr/keylayout/
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event7 name=Always
Innovating Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad id=0x10004 (of
0x5) index=5 fd=51 classes=0x23
E/KeyLayoutMap(  133): /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl:167: expected
keycode, got 'BACK\nkey'
I/EventHub(  133): New keyboard: device->id=0x10005 devname='gpio-
keys' propName='hw.keyboards.65541.devname' keylayout='/system/usr/
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event0 name=gpio-keys
id=0x10005 (of 0x6) index=6 fd=52 classes=0x1
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event3 name=Touchscreen
Chacha Tablet 2nd-touch id=0x10006 (of 0x7) index=7 fd=53 classes=0x4
E/EventHub(  133): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse2,
Not a typewriter
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event2 name=Touchscreen
Chacha Tablet id=0x10007 (of 0x8) index=8 fd=55 classes=0x4
E/EventHub(  133): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse1,
Not a typewriter
E/KeyLayoutMap(  133): /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl:167: expected
keycode, got 'BACK\nkey'
I/EventHub(  133): New keyboard: device->id=0x10008
devname='twl4030_pwrbutton' propName='hw.keyboards.65544.devname'
I/EventHub(  133): New device: path=/dev/input/event4
name=twl4030_pwrbutton id=0x10008 (of 0x9) index=9 fd=57 classes=0x1
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10008,
name=twl4030_pwrbutton, classes=1
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10007, name=Touchscreen
Chacha Tablet, classes=4
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   X: min=128 max=17230 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Y: min=55555 max=65300 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Pressure: min=0 max=65535 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Size: unknown values
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): No virtual keys found
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10006, name=Touchscreen
Chacha Tablet 2nd-touch, classes=4
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   X: min=128 max=17230 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Y: min=55555 max=65300 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Pressure: min=0 max=65535 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Size: unknown values
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): No virtual keys found
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10005, name=gpio-keys,
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10004, name=Always
Innovating Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad, classes=23
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x0, name=Always Innovating
Always Innovating USB Keyboard / Touchpad, classes=41
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Device added: id=0x10002, name=ADS7846
Touchscreen, classes=4
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   X: min=100 max=3950 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Y: min=265 max=3750 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Pressure: min=0 max=255 flat=0 fuzz=0
I/KeyInputQueue(  133):   Size: unknown values
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): No virtual keys found
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Ignoring non-input device: id=0x10001,
name=omap3 Headset Jack
I/KeyInputQueue(  133): Ignoring non-input device: id=0x10000,
I/SystemServer(  133): Bluetooth Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Device Policy
I/SystemServer(  133): Status Bar
I/SystemServer(  133): Clipboard Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Input Method Service
I/InputManagerService(  133): Enabled input methods:
I/SystemServer(  133): NetStat Service
I/SystemServer(  133): NetworkManagement Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Connectivity Service
E/NetdConnector(  133): Communications error
E/NetdConnector(  133): java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method)
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
E/NetdConnector(  133): Error in NativeDaemonConnector
E/NetdConnector(  133): java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method)
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
V/ConnectivityService(  133): ConnectivityService starting up
W/libdbus (  163): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
D/ConnectivityService(  133): getMobileDataEnabled returning true
V/ConnectivityService(  133): Starting Wifi Service.
I/WifiService(  133): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
D/Tethering(  133): Tethering starting
D/NetworkManagmentService(  133): Registering observer
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3027 objects / 197664 bytes in
I/SystemServer(  133): Throttle Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Accessibility Manager
I/SystemServer(  133): Mount Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Notification Manager
I/SystemServer(  133): Device Storage Monitor
D/VoldCmdListener(  116): volume list
W/MountService(  133): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed)
D/VoldCmdListener(  116): share status ums
I/SystemServer(  133): Location Manager
I/SystemServer(  133): Search Service
I/SystemServer(  133): DropBox Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Wallpaper Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Audio Service
W/AudioPolicyManagerALSA(  120): setPhoneState() setting same state 0
W/ActivityManager(  133): Unable to start service Intent
{ act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadset }: not found
E/BluetoothHeadset(  133): Could not bind to Bluetooth Headset Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Headset Observer
W/HeadsetObserver(  133): This kernel does not have wired headset
I/SystemServer(  133): Dock Observer
W/DockObserver(  133): This kernel does not have dock station support
I/SystemServer(  133): UI Mode Manager Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Backup Service
V/BackupManagerService(  133): No ancestral data
I/BackupManagerService(  133): Found stale backup journal, scheduling:
I/BackupManagerService(  133):     + android
I/BackupManagerService(  133):     + com.android.inputmethod.latin
I/BackupManagerService(  133):     + com.android.browser
I/BackupManagerService(  133):     +
I/BackupManagerService(  133):     + com.android.providers.settings
I/BackupManagerService(  133): Backup enabled => false
I/SystemServer(  133): AppWidget Service
I/SystemServer(  133): Recognition Service
D/VoldCmdListener(  116): share status ums
D/StorageNotification(  133): Startup with UMS connection false (media
state removed)
I/SystemServer(  133): DiskStats Service
I/WindowManager(  133): SAFE MODE not enabled
D/dalvikvm(  133): JIT started for system_server
W/DevicePolicyManagerService(  133): failed parsing /data/system/
device_policies.xml java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/
device_policies.xml (No such file or directory)
I/ActivityManager(  133): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0
loc=md_US touch=3 keys=2/1/2 nav=2/1 orien=2 layout=35 uiMode=0 seq=1}
D/PowerManagerService(  133): system ready!
I/ActivityManager(  133): Sending system update to:
I/Zygote  (  133): Process: zygote socket opened
I/ActivityManager(  133): Start proc android.process.acore for
broadcast com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsUpgradeReceiver:
pid=180 uid=10004 gids={3003, 1015}
I/ActivityManager(  133): Launching preboot mode app:
ProcessRecord{44107770 180:android.process.acore/10004}
I/Process (  133): Sending signal. PID: 180 SIG: 9
I/ActivityManager(  133): Removing system update proc:
ProcessRecord{44107770 180:android.process.acore/10004}
I/ActivityManager(  133): System now ready
I/SystemServer(  133): Making services ready
I/ActivityManager(  133): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0
loc=md_US touch=3 keys=2/1/2 nav=2/1 orien=2 layout=35 uiMode=17
W/RecognitionManagerService(  133): no available voice recognition
services found
W/StatusBar(  133): No icon ID for slot ime
I/ActivityManager(  133): Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for
service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=188 uid=10014
D/libhardware_legacy(  133): no GPS hardware on this device
D/NetworkManagmentService(  133): Registering observer
E/ThrottleService(  133): Could not open GPS configuration file /etc/
W/ActivityManager(  133): Unable to start service Intent { a...@0 }:
not found
W/ActivityManager(  133): Unable to start service Intent { a...@0 }:
not found
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 4545 objects / 264560 bytes in
I/ActivityManager(  133): Start proc com.android.settings for
broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider:
pid=197 uid=1000 gids={3002, 3001, 3003}
I/ActivityManager(  133): Start proc android.process.acore for content
provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider:
pid=201 uid=10004 gids={3003, 1015}
E/NetdConnector(  133): No connection to daemon
E/NetdConnector(  133): java.lang.IllegalStateException
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at com.android.server.ThrottleService
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at com.android.server.ThrottleService
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at com.android.server.ThrottleService
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
I/ActivityThread(  201): Publishing provider com.android.social:
I/ActivityThread(  201): Publishing provider
D/dalvikvm(  133): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 2448 objects / 146312 bytes
in 112ms
I/ActivityThread(  201): Publishing provider call_log:
I/ActivityThread(  201): Publishing provider user_dictionary:
D/StatusBar(  133): DISABLE_EXPAND: yes
E/NetdConnector(  133): Communications error
E/NetdConnector(  133): java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method)
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at
E/NetdConnector(  133):         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
W/libdbus (  221): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  133): pokeWakelock(5000)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  133): pokeWakelock(5000)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  133): pokeWakelock(5000)
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=0 repeat=0 meta=18 scancode=29 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=57 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=56 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=59 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=40 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=38 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=40 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=38 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=43 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=24 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=43 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=24 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=35 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=34 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=35 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=34 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=31 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=46 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=31 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=46 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=61 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=15 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=61 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=15 mFlags=8}
W/libdbus (  222): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=59 repeat=0 meta=65 scancode=42 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=56 repeat=0 meta=65 scancode=52 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=56 repeat=0 meta=65 scancode=52 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=59 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=42 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=62 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=57 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=62 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=57 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=29 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=30 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=29 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=30 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0
code=66 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=28 mFlags=8}
W/WindowManager(  133): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=1
code=66 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=28 mFlags=8}
W/libdbus (  224): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/libdbus (  225): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/libdbus (  226): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/libdbus (  227): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/libdbus (  228): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory
W/libdbus (  229): Failed to start message bus: Failed to open "/etc/
dbus.conf": No such file or directory

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