Hi Everybody,

i tried to make the home key work on my board ,i ma running eclair
android 2.1 ) . but after making change in
key layout and kernel it doe not work . i have doen the follwing
1) . in have mapped the HOME key in keypal.kl file of my source
code  :

key  3    HOME              WAKE_DROPPED

2) kernel : i am returning the input event 3 form the external
interrupt from my board.

after making these two modification it is not working.

as per the mailing list i followed the JBQ instruction.which is
related the provision of the devices in


i have enabled a macor LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng

after adding this moduel it seems to be , home key is working , but it
is giving some side effect with resetting the board.

1 ) first boot ( when i boot the board first time it bootup
properly )
2 ) but if i reset the board and its boot .so the default wondow is
only google wallpaper of android. no ICON appears on the main screen.
but once i press the wake up key it is ok .all the icon comback .

Do i need some more modification in android for HOME KEY or not,
please let me know i will be thank full or where i need to modify .
and do i need any kind of provision of divices . ?



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