Yeah, thanks. But i would like to know more detailed. When we build
the OS, we can specify the kernel config file to build against. The
"CONFIG_IPV6" is one item in the kernel config file and if it is set,
something may read this file and adds/builds an IPv6 module containing
the lower layer support for IPv6 connectivity. I would like to know
what is doing this and what module(s) are added in order to design a
full-functional IPv6 DNS for android.

Yes, my goal is to design a full-functional IPv6 DNS for android

Best wishes
Jiechao Wang

On Feb 8, 5:58 am, john halewood <> wrote:
> I think you need to understand the OSI 7-layer model properly. If you
> remove IPV6 from the kernel then there is no support for IPV6 in the
> application - it doesn't make any difference to the code in the app,
> the support is not there at a lower level. Same way as if you remove
> kernel drivers for wifi/bluetooth/mobile - you won't get any
> connectivity at all. The application just does it's bit and then hands
> the rest of the work to the next level, and if it's not there, nothing
> happens.
> Regards
> John
> On 7 February 2011 02:22, 捷超 王 <> wrote:
> > At first, I built the source code with "CONFIG_IPV6" not set and tried
> > IPv6 URLs in the Browser and the Browser could not access IPv6
> > websites. I then built the source code with "CONFIG_IPV6" set and
> > tried again, the Browser works!
> > But i don't get it. I think the source code of the Browser hasn't been
> > changed, how it can be that the Browser suddenly support accessing
> > websites through IPv6 URLs...? Is it the new kernel config file
> > introduce some modules to be included in the final iso image so that
> > the Browser which utilizes these modules is able to access websites
> > through IPv6 URLs?


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