There is support in the Android Framework for CDMA/EVDO, but you will
have to write your own Vendor RIL to let the Android Framework
communicate with the Huawei modem.  I'm not aware of any open
reference implementations for a CDMA modem.  I believe the AT-based
reference vendor RIL provided by Google works for GSM/UMTS.  Most RIL
implementations are kept proprietary by device/modem manufacturers.

-- John

On Feb 27, 2:17 am, "tommy.hong" <> wrote:
> Dear All:
>             Hi,i have got a USB EVDO Dongle,Huawei EM660,I need to support
> it in Android 2.2.1,any guy has similiar reference project can take it ref?
> B.R
> Tommy
> --
> our psychological growth is the movement from dependence to independence  to
> interdependence!


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