Thank you for your answers.

I'm sorry, i've made a mistake on "adb stop && adb start", i meant
"adb shell stop && adb shell start".

What i mean is the system_server will not reach the Lancher
application (it stays on bootanimation forever) in emulator.
Only on Honeycomb AVD this will work, or on a real mobile device.

I have tried killing as i've already mentioned, or

setprop ctl.stop zygote;setprop ctl.stop runtime
setprop ctl.start zygote;setprop ctl.start runtime

Neither will work.
I have tried:
Android 2.1-update1 ->do not work
Android 2.2  -> do not work
Android 2.3.3 -> do not work
Android 3.0 -> works

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Create new AVD with default settings, run it, and hit "adb shell stop
&& adb shell start"

Logcat from Eclair version (nothing strange i suppose...):
I/SystemServer(  223): Account Manager
W/ResourceType(  223): Resources don't contain package for resource
number 0x7f0700e5
W/ResourceType(  223): Resources don't contain package for resource
number 0x7f020031
W/ResourceType(  223): Resources don't contain package for resource
number 0x7f020030
W/ResourceType(  223): Resources don't contain package for resource
number 0x7f050000
I/SystemServer(  223): Content Manager
I/SyncManager(  223): No initial accounts
I/SyncManager(  223): No initial status
I/SyncManager(  223): No initial pending operations
I/SyncManager(  223): No initial statistics
I/SystemServer(  223): System Content Providers
I/ActivityThread(  223): Publishing provider settings:
I/SystemServer(  223): Battery Service
I/SystemServer(  223): Hardware Service
D/qemud   (   34): fdhandler_accept_event: accepting on fd 10
D/qemud   (   34): created client 0xc088 listening on fd 12
D/qemud   (   34): client_fd_receive: attempting registration for
service 'hw-control'
D/qemud   (   34): client_fd_receive:    -> received channel id 8

On Mar 13, 6:53 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> You don't need to kill it.  "adb shell stop" works fine.
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Alexey Roslyakov <
>> wrote:
> > Just kill it, example:
> > / # ps sy
> > USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
> > system    408   300   160492 40264 ffffffff afd0b6fc S system_server
> > root      743   1     3472   184   c00ca3c0 40290764 S /usr/sbin/
> > sysinfod
> > / # kill 408
> > On Mar 12, 9:49 pm, José Luis Pereira <> wrote:
> > > I am coding arround the surfaceflinger so i need to restart system_server
> > > once in a while.
> > > However, I am not able to restart runtime on Eclair
> > > (2.1-update1)/Gingerbread(2.3.3) Virtual Device, doing the following
> > > command:
> > > adb stop && adb start
> > > or
> > > killing system_server/zygote
> > > Using my Galaxy S with Eclair/Froyo ROM will work though...
> > > Any thoughts on how to restart it?
> > > Thanks
> > -->
> > website:
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.


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