
To just check out how your icons look, you can change
"qemu.sf.lcd_density" if you are using an emulator. It actually
overrides a read-only system property "ro.sf.lcd_density", which you
can also change, if you have buildable code/root for your device.

If you want to change it for good, you can check for the supported
configurations in your product makefile.
It's specified in PRODUCT_LOCALES .


 # Passion uses high-density artwork where available

On Jul 8, 2:30 pm, freakingtux <kees.jongenbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Thursday, July 7, 2011 12:27:31 PM UTC+2, ceat...@yahoo.de wrote:
> > Hi,
> > can someone tell me which file android is using to compare with the
> > qualifiers in the alternative resource directory?
> > The reason why i want to know it, is because im trying to get smaller
> > icons for the apps. So i will get for example instead of 3 rows of
> > apps 5 rows.
> > But right now after building the android filesystem, all apps will
> > just have in their res folder drawable-hdpi. Now i want to have
> > drawable-mdpi.
> > Does anyone know which file i have to edit?
> try 
> reading:http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.htmlshow 
> the
> DPI -> Qualifier mapping
> By setting a different mapping when your create a new AVD different
> denstities will be chosen
> I don't know the exact mapping of screen resolution but when you create a
> new avd you can select the screen resolution
> Greetings

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