Hi Venkat,
Reset is not necessary. But i don't think it is happening voluntarily. Did
you modify and reduce the log. If not, the things got worse compared to
your last log 
You didn't get response for  AT> ATE0Q0V1 . IF you are using 0xdroid
sources, from sources i can say,it died after this function

Your log doesn't show AT+CFUN being sent, so i don't think
it might have caused it. The weird thing is your modem is notifying it's
death. I don't think RIL asked for the modem to die. There might be
something else.

By resetting, do you mean the modem recovers and starts working again {or}
does it stay dead?

But If you are sure AT+CFUN is causing error, then comment out the call for
the  "requestRadioPower" in the "onRequest" function's switch case loop of
ril sources. That will make the AT+CFUN ineffective from RIL.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry i forgot to attach. The attachment here.
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
> chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Devindrappa,
>> The log shows none of the scripts are working. correctly. The log is
>> continued and i can't make out which error is for which script. Could you
>> please empty the log everytime before running a a script. That way i will
>> know which error is for which script.
>> In the attached log i seprated them.
>>    1. The first set is from the old log only.
>>    2. In the second set, it is still expecting AT as response. I don't
>>    know which script is giving this.
>>    3. The 3rd,4th,5th,6th sets almost got it right. They are SENDING
>>    AT^M and expecting OK as result but since it is sending wrong message, it
>>    will not get ok. WORK ON THE SCRIPT GIVING THIS RESULT. give
>>    AT/c instead of just AT and retry.
>>    4. The next few sets are failing because they are expecting /rAT as a
>>    response from modem. the script giving this error needs to be modified to
>>    have a space between /r and AT. it should be /r AT not /rAT
>>    5. The next few sets have a syntax mistake. Try to put a missing '
>>    [OR] " for the script giving this error.
>>    6. The last 3 sets are again  expecting /rAT as a response from
>>    modem. Do as i said in  step 4.
>> So basically all scripts are still wrong. That is why we are still
>> getting same error. Could you please separate which error is for which
>> script. Tell me which script is giving the error i said in step 3. We have
>> a improvement but still we didn't get it correctly.
>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:54 PM, venkat k raju <kvraju....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Sai,
>>> i think some problem with software reset issues!!!!!! android
>>> application or reference-ril.so i don't know...
>>> please check this log message. reset means the application will send
>>> AT+CFUN something like this right.. that time my modem was get resetting
>>> then usb was disconnecting ...
>>> AT> ATE0Q0V1
>>> D/RILB    (  165): Notifying: radio available
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0002]> SCREEN_STATE: true
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0003]> RADIO_POWER
>>> D/AT      (   66): atchannel: EOF reached
>>> I/RIL     (   66): AT channel closed
>>> E/RILJ    (  165): ERROR: mReqPending is NOT 0 but1 at TIMEOUT, reset!
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0002]< SCREEN_STATE error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
>>> E/GSM     (  165): Wrong network type: 0
>>> E/GSM     (  165): Wrong network type: 0
>>> D/GSM     (  165): Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 home null null
>>> null  Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly:
>>> false] newSS=[3 home nulln
>>> E/RILJ    (  165): ERROR: mReqPending is NOT 0 but1 at TIMEOUT, reset!
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0004]> BASEBAND_VERSION
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: RADIO_POWER
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0003]< RADIO_POWER error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0005]> GET_IMEI
>>> E/RILJ    (  165): ERROR: mReqPending is NOT 0 but2 at TIMEOUT, reset!
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0006]> GET_IMEISV
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: BASEBAND_VERSION
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: GET_IMEI
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0004]< BASEBAND_VERSION error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0005]< GET_IMEI error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
>>> E/RILJ    (  165): ERROR: mReqPending is NOT 0 but1 at TIMEOUT, reset!
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: GET_IMEISV
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0006]< GET_IMEISV error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
>>> I/RIL     (   66): Re-opening after close
>>> D/RILB    (  165): Notifying: radio not available
>>> E/GSM     (  165): Wrong network type: 0
>>> E/GSM     (  165): Wrong network type: 0
>>> D/GSM     (  165): Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[3 home null null
>>> null  Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly:
>>> false] newSS=[1 home nulln
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0007]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
>>> E/RILJ    (  165): ERROR: mReqPending is NOT 0 but1 at TIMEOUT, reset!
>>> D/RIL     (   66): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS
>>> D/RILJ    (  165): [0007]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error:
>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
>>> is reset necessary and how to denied it  please suggest me. what i am
>>> thinking is wrong or what?
>>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Devindrappa Handraki <
>>> devindrapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Chaitanya,
>>>> Thanks for your reply, please look at the attached ppp.log and suggest
>>>> me where i am wrong.
>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>> Devindrappa
>>>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
>>>> chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Devindrappa,
>>>>>    1. Please send new ppp-log and go through my previous message.
>>>>>    2. I was right about the  REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE  it
>>>>>    is for 2G/3G only.I checked my huawei ril , i have this in it:-
>>>>> switch (request){
>>>>> requestSetPreferredNetworkType(data, datalen, t);
>>>>> break;
>>>>> and for the function  " requestSetPreferredNetworkType " i'm giving at
>>>>> commands at+bandset=0 and  AT+CGAATT=2,1,1 which will set my haweui E1732
>>>>> for gsm only =2,1,2 for 3G only and 2,1,0 for dual mode. You can see in
>>>>> this forum here
>>>>> forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-711753.html . Search for
>>>>> my said commands and you will find details.
>>>>> 3.  . So obviously you don't have to deal with this. But if you still
>>>>> want to loose the error continue reading. Maybe the cause for error was
>>>>> your that your RIL didnot define how to handle the request itself. So it 
>>>>> is
>>>>> giving error that request can't be supported by this ril. Look for the
>>>>> function "static void onRequest (int request, void *data, size_t datalen,
>>>>> RIL_Token t)" it will have a switch case statement with "request" as
>>>>> switch. In that give a case statement as i mentioned above at start of 
>>>>> this
>>>>> message, but don't mention any function to call.leave it blank. That's it
>>>>> your error should vanish.
>>>>> 4.  If you are keen on working with data connection in RIL. The best
>>>>> the ril can do for you is give the initialization commands. It cannot 
>>>>> setup
>>>>> the connection, just sends at commands. look for function
>>>>> "requestSetupDataCall" this will have the initialization commands to be
>>>>> sent to modem before pppd link. This is the best the ril can do for you
>>>>> with respect to a data connection. It canNOT setup a data link. You will
>>>>> have to call pppd for that. The reason we are not using this yet, is bcoz
>>>>> we can't edit it frequently like the chat script and we didn't figure out
>>>>> the correct initialization commands yet and it does the exact same thing
>>>>> the chat script does for us. If the chat scripts fails this will fail as
>>>>> well. once we have a working connection we can comeback to the RIL. As i
>>>>> said ril has very little influence, if not none, in establishing a data
>>>>> connection. So 1st get data connection, then debug ril coz ril  will not
>>>>> help in data connection in anyway. we can get data connection without ril.
>>>>> So just concentrate on the pppd logs for the moment. Ignore RIL.
>>>>> 5.  And as for the c program to send at commands. Good idea by venkat.
>>>>> but you can also do it by cross compiling "echo" if you don't already have
>>>>> it for ARM. Then you can send any at command by giving command "echo
>>>>> atd*99***1#  > /dev/ttyS0". You can also use "write" instead. May be cat
>>>>> will also work but i never tried it.
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
>>>>> chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi Devindrappa,
>>>>> > 1.Could you please post new ppp-log. It would have changed for sure.
>>>>> > 2.As venkat suggests remove rild startup from init.rc and re run and
>>>>> see what happens. Comment out the rild service.
>>>>> > 3.I will look into the error but ril has very little influence, if
>>>>> not none, in establishing a data connection. The ril is doing everything 
>>>>> it
>>>>> is supposed to do. It is for telephony services only.
>>>>> > 4.I'm not sure but i think "the preffered network type" has to do
>>>>> with a AT command which sets whether to look for a 2G or 3G network first
>>>>> {or} the network scan order to register in the specific network. It sets
>>>>> its order to scan for networks. It is for 3G modems. I had experience with
>>>>> it when i was working with a huawei modem. It may not apply in your case
>>>>> because your modem doesn't support 3G and hence it's AT command is
>>>>> not accepted. I will look into it and get back to you with confirm answer.
>>>>> > 5.IF you think it is a sim lock for the time being you can simply
>>>>> replace the sim and go ahead. A lock is sim specific. A modem won't report
>>>>> a lock unless sim states so.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Devindrappa Handraki <
>>>>> devindrapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Hi Chaitanya,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> 1. I tried with all your script but getting same error :
>>>>> >> I/pppd    ( 1394): ######## Starting pppd
>>>>> >> I/pppd    ( 1396): ######## pppd additional arguments
>>>>> >> E/pppd    ( 1397): Connect script failed
>>>>> >> I/pppd    ( 1400): ######### pppd exited with 0
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> 2. When i do logcat -b radio
>>>>> >> on logcat -b radio, i see following log message
>>>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED
>>>>> >> What do meant by this error.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> 3. Please advice, if the RIL i have ported is minimal for Phone and
>>>>> SMS only and need to be supported for Network as well, as the radio log
>>>>> message dumps as
>>>>> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Do i need to implemenet in RIL 'GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE' and
>>>>> 'SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE'? or am i missing anything else as well, as i
>>>>> see in setttings->security settings, my SIM LOCK is enabled by default, do
>>>>> i have to unlock it? if so,it asks for a PIN as well.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>> >> Devindrappa
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
>>>>> chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Hi venkat,
>>>>> >>> for running from init.rc simply put your command in a script and
>>>>> add the script as a service. You can follow instructions here :-
>>>>> http://afewe.wordpress.com/android-arm-development/use-point-to-point-protocol-ppp-in-android/
>>>>> Just modify the non commented /system/bin/pppd /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 
>>>>> mo......
>>>>> line with your command and add this in your init.rc file
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> service pppd_gprs /etc/ppp/init.gprs-pppd
>>>>> >>>    user root
>>>>> >>>    group radio cache inet misc
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> If you run pppd and rild together what error are you getting? if
>>>>> your modem is getting disconnected then i may not be able to help bcoz i
>>>>> don't have the same modem. But if the problem is that you are getting 
>>>>> above
>>>>> error log then the problem is that after at+cgdcont=1... your modem is not
>>>>> giving OK response it is giving new line characters and timing out. Did 
>>>>> you
>>>>> want it to send a newline character after "CellOne" ~ ^M. if not, then 
>>>>> that
>>>>> may be the culprit. Or may be your modem is not able to complete the
>>>>> request before the timeout.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 4:15 PM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Hi this was my command  and response!!!!!!!!
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> #/system/bin/pppd nodetach debug  /dev/ttyACM0 115200 nocrtscts
>>>>> local noipdefault ipcp-accept-local connect
>>>>> '/system/bin/chat -v -s -f /system/etc/p
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> pp/gprs_chat' defaultroute usepeerdns modem updetach noauth
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> timeout set to 15 seconds
>>>>> >>>> abort on (BUSY)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (NO CARRIER)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (VOICE)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (NO DIALTONE)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (NO ANSWER)
>>>>> >>>> abort on (DELAYED)
>>>>> >>>> report (CONNECT)
>>>>> >>>> timeout set to 40 seconds
>>>>> >>>> send (AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CellOne"^M)
>>>>> >>>> expect (OK)
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M^M^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> ^M
>>>>> >>>> alarm
>>>>> >>>> Failed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> here my files permissions
>>>>> >>>>  ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
>>>>> >>>> crw-rw---- radio    radio    166,   0 2000-01-02 12:39 ttyACM0
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> ls -l /system/bin/pppd
>>>>> >>>> -rwxrwxr-x radio    radio      139540 2012-01-16 08:11 pppd
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> ls -l /system/bin/chat
>>>>> >>>> -rwxr-xr-x radio    radio       42752 2012-01-16 09:39 chat
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> ls -l /system/etc/ppp/gprs_chat
>>>>> >>>> -rwxr-xr-x radio    radio         229 2012-01-18 10:27 gprs_chat
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 4:08 PM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> Hi chaitanya,
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> can you tell me how to run pppd from init.rc file.
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> one more thing here is if i run rild daemon,then pppd getting
>>>>> failed.
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:35 PM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> sorry without rild interface i am connecting internet
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:35 PM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Devindrappa Handraki,
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> i had been trying it........... for me both are not working at
>>>>> time... here i am using mux concept also.. !!!!!!!!
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> i don't know what happen in your case....but  with rild
>>>>> interface i have been connection the net ..
>>>>> >>>>>>> see once again...
>>>>> >>>>>>> 1) i written code for manually enter at commands!!!!!
>>>>> >>>>>>> in this #AT+CGREG=1
>>>>> >>>>>>>           #AT^SGAUTH=0 // in your case no need of this command.
>>>>> >>>>>>>           #At+cgatt=1
>>>>> >>>>>>>           # AT+Cgdcont=1,IP,BSNLNET
>>>>> >>>>>>> 2)
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> /system/bin/pppd nodetach debug  /dev/ttyACM0 115200
>>>>> nocrtscts  local noipdefault ipcp-accept-local
>>>>> connect '/system/bin/chat -v -s -f /system/etc/ppp/gprs_chat' defaultroute
>>>>> usepeerdns modem updetach noauth
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> 3) gprs_chat.sh file contains
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'BUSY'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'NO CARRIER'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'VOICE'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'NO DIALTONE'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'NO DIAL TONE'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'NO ANSWER'
>>>>> >>>>>>> ABORT 'DELAYED'
>>>>> >>>>>>> REPORT CONNECT
>>>>> >>>>>>> TIMEOUT 6
>>>>> >>>>>>> ''
>>>>> >>>>>>> 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","airtelgprs.com"'
>>>>> >>>>>>> 'OK' 'ATD*99***1#'
>>>>> >>>>>>> TIMEOUT 30
>>>>> >>>>>>> CONNECT ''
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Devindrappa Handraki <
>>>>> devindrapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hi venkat and  Chaitanya,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> 1. I am not able to access Internet,  i am getting the below
>>>>> mentioned error
>>>>> >>>>>>>> E/pppd    ( 1799): Connect script failed
>>>>> >>>>>>>> I/pppd    ( 1802): ######### pppd exited with 8
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2. Do we need to configure mux driver for internet access and
>>>>> telephone services. If so please give me some hints.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Devindrappa
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 9:12 AM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Hi Chaitanya & Devindrappa,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> thanks for your suggestions.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> finally i am able to establish GPRS and GSM individually.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> if i tried both at time then my usb (modem) was
>>>>> disconnecting.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> i have been trying it... !!!!!!!!!
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Sai Chaitanya Chitneedi <
>>>>> chaitanya.nom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hi venkat,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I'm not aware of the mux driver and config binary you are
>>>>> using. Assuming it works well, it seems like a permission problem or a
>>>>> locked socket problem. do a "lsof" on /dev/socket/rild (socket used by
>>>>> android to communicate with ril daemon) for any exsting locks and check 
>>>>> its
>>>>> permissions. Try with the physical port first,after killing the rild. Then
>>>>> try with your virtual port.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Also if it suits your purpose use a soft link instead of
>>>>> virtual ports.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:25 AM, venkat k raju <
>>>>> kvraju....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi chaitanya,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> can you explain me how to establish gsm on gingerbread.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> i am following there steps to manually establish GSM/GPRS
>>>>> .... please correct me.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #chmod 0666 /dev/ttyACM0  /********* my physical serial
>>>>> port*******/
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chown radio.radio /dev/ttyACM0
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    insmod ./linmux.ko /*************** my mux driver to
>>>>> create virtual port *********/
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMux1
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMux2
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMux0
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chown radio.radio /dev/ttyMux0
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chown radio.radio /dev/ttyMux1
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #    chown radio.radio /dev/ttyMux2
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #mknod /dev/muxcfg c 239 0 /****** i am creating the
>>>>> interface driver***********/
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #/system/bin/linmuxcfg -p=/dev/ttyACM0 /********
>>>>> configuring the physical port to virtual port **********/
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> then i am trying to kill rild daemon then i am trying
>>>>> execute the bellow command for GSM as well as gprs with new virtual serial
>>>>> port.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> #/system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/libreference-ril.so -- -d
>>>>> /dev/ttyMux0
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> but here i got the error like this
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I/RIL     (  360): Opening tty device /dev/ttyMux0
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> E/RILC    (  360): Failed to get socket 'rild'
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> please suggest me !!!!!!!
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> --
>>>>> >>>> thanks&Regards
>>>>> >>>> k.v.raju
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>> --
>>> thanks&Regards
>>> k.v.raju

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