Depends on how you intend on using your hardware...

If this touchscreen is always going to be present with your version of 
android, you might consider just building into the kernel.

If you just want to support touch screen, but want to leave it as a 
module... you can fire insmod from init.rc (but as far as I understand not 
directly). Heres a thread with people that have had success doing this:!topic/android-platform/4XlL3s67Ysw

On Monday, April 23, 2012 10:09:01 PM UTC-7, Mamatha K wrote:
> Dear All, 
>         I am new to android and working on Touch screen porting on 
> blaze board. 
> The problem I am facing is, 
>        When the kernel is up the touch screen event can be seen, but 
> as soon as android is booted, the touch event are not seen. 
> Then I analyzed and got to know that the android is disabling the 
> touch screen module. 
> So what I did is, once the android boots, I again insmod the touch 
> screen module and I can see that it is working. 
> So I want to know what is happening when the android boots up and how 
> this problem can be rectified through android? 
> Kindly help. 
> Thanks and Regards, 
> Mamatha K


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