Dear All,

I am Ramya. I am working with OMAP4430/OMAP4460 based boards & GB.

I have scenario, basically we are trying to clone the display contents
on Primary LCD to Secondary LCD. We are able to achieve it by taking
Clone to HDMI as reference.

With this we were able to achieve UI & Video cloning. But the camera
preview is not getting cloned. So we refered & added a code in the
Camera Service which will communicate with the TIOverlay.cpp file &
does the cloning.

Now, if I connect HDMI as & when required, contents from Secondary LCD
should be routed to HDMI display. We were able to achieve the UI &
VIdeo cloning but not the Camera Preview Cloning. We were not able to
know the HDMI connect/disconnect event in the Camera Framework or in
the Camera Service.

Hence, what we have done as of now is, in the UICloningService we are
just changing the overlay manager from HDMI to 2LCD based on the HDMI
connect/disconnect. With this we are able to achieve cloning, but the
preview size is shrinked say some 640x480 where my HDMI output is
1440x900. Is there a way to change the size dynamically? Tried
manually setting the overlay output_size, but it is not successful.

Or any other methods of achieving it?

Any inputs most welcomed. Thanks in advance.




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