Hi All,

I am trying to register a broadcast receiver in the Camera Framework
As we know, there are two ways are registering the broadcast messages,

1. From the code
2. In the AndroidManifest.xml

* I tried registering it through the AndroidManifest.xml -- Since the
braodcast intent is a custom message I am able to register it using
Manifest. But I am able to register it using the


* Hence to register from the code, I need a context. From the App
whichever we are trying to access the Camera class, context is not
passed, it is just a open(cameraId) call...
I tried getting the systemContext using

ActivityThread at = ActivityThread.systemMain();
Context mContext = at.getSystemContext();

With this code snippet I am able to get the system context, but I am
not able to register the receiver using it...

* I tried writting an AIDL to return the context from one of the
custom system service.
Here also, I couldn't import the class android.content.context in the
AIDL file..

Any ideas?

Thanks & Regards,

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