I'm using the awext driver and wpa_supplicant 0.5.10. Is this configuration 
still workable?

On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 2:43:28 PM UTC+1, aulty wrote:
> Hi group,
> I have a device that had wifi working on gingerbread.
> However, since upgrading the port to ICS, the wifi now fails to connect to 
> an access point.
> It scans for access points correctly but when I type in the password for 
> an access point and click connect - all I get is this log, no connection, 
> and 'Turning Wi-Fi on' displaying on the screen.
> Does anyone know why this may be, it seems that dhcpd isn't even getting 
> started :/
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt
> wpa_supplicant.conf
> ##### wpa_supplicant configuration file template #####
> ctrl_interface=wlan0
> update_config=1
> init.<product>.rc excerpt
> service wlan_loader /system/bin/wlan_loader
>     disabled
>     oneshot
>     class main
> service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \
>     -Dawext -iwlan0 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd
>     # android private socket
>     socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi
>     group system wifi inet
>     disabled
>     oneshot
>     class main
> service dhcpcd /system/bin/dhcpcd -BKL wlan0
>     group system dhcp
>     disabled
>     oneshot
>     class main
> service iprenew_wlan0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -n
>     class main
>     disabled
>     oneshot
> on property:dhcp.wlan0.result=ok
>     start ntpclient
> LOG upon trying to connect to access point
> ------
> I/wpa_supplicant( 1186): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1
> D/WifiMonitor(  756): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1]
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=147462
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DisconnectedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DisconnectedState{ what=147462 when=-2ms 
> obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@9588fc8 }
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new 
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: ConnectModeState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): ConnectModeState{ what=147462 when=-5ms 
> obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@9588fc8 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): StateMachine.transitionTo EX 
> destStateDriverStoppedState
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: new destination call exit
> D/StateMachine(  756): setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X 
> mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo: 
> state=SupplicantStartedState,active=true,parent=DefaultState
> D/StateMachine(  756): invokeExitMethods: DisconnectedState
> D/StateMachine(  756): invokeExitMethods: ConnectModeState
> D/StateMachine(  756): invokeExitMethods: DriverStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStartedState
> D/StateMachine(  756): moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=2
> D/StateMachine(  756): moveTempStackToStateStack: X 
> mStateStackTop=2,startingIndex=2,Top=DriverStoppedState
> D/StateMachine(  756): invokeEnterMethods: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> E/SoundPool(  756): Error creating AudioTrack
> W/ResourceType( 1122): getEntry failing because entryIndex 129 is beyond 
> type entryCount 3
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> I/METAAssembler(  694): generated 
> scanline__00000077:03515104_00008001_00000000 [165 ipp] (198 ins) at 
> [0x94b0c90:0x94b0fa8] in 2646016 ns
> E/SoundPool(  756): Error creating AudioTrack
> I/dalvikvm-heap( 1078): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.570MB for 552976-byte 
> allocation
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> I/ActivityManager(  756): Process com.android.providers.calendar (pid 
> 1016) has died.
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> E/SoundPool(  756): Error creating AudioTrack
> E/SoundPool(  756): Error creating AudioTrack
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131158
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131158 when=-2ms 
> arg1=-1 obj=* ID: -1 SSID: "IMG-LE" BSSID: null PRIO: 0
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  AuthAlgorithms:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PairwiseCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  GroupCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PSK: *
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  eap:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  phase2:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  anonymous_identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  password:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  client_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  private_key:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  ca_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): IP assignment: DHCP
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): Proxy settings: NONE
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: []
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131158 when=-59ms 
> arg1=-1 obj=* ID: -1 SSID: "IMG-LE" BSSID: null PRIO: 0
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  AuthAlgorithms:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PairwiseCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  GroupCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PSK: *
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  eap:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  phase2:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  anonymous_identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  password:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  client_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  private_key:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  ca_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): IP assignment: DHCP
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): Proxy settings: NONE
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: []
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131158 when=-104ms arg1=-1 
> obj=* ID: -1 SSID: "IMG-LE" BSSID: null PRIO: 0
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  AuthAlgorithms:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PairwiseCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  GroupCiphers:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  PSK: *
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  eap:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  phase2:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  anonymous_identity:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  password:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  client_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  private_key:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  ca_cert:
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): IP assignment: DHCP
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): Proxy settings: NONE
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: []
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756):  }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-2ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-4ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-6ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-2ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-4ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-6ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-2ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-4ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-6ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-2ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-4ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-6ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131143 when=-1ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131143 when=-3ms 
> arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131143 when=-5ms arg1=1 }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X
> W/power   (  756): *** set_screen_state 0
> E/power   (  756): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> W/WindowManager(  756): Failure taking screenshot for (200x150) to layer 
> 21015
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: E msg.what=131154
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DriverStoppedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DriverStoppedState{ what=131154 when=-4ms }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: SupplicantStartedState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): SupplicantStartedState{ what=131154 when=-6ms }
> D/StateMachine(  756): processMsg: DefaultState
> D/WifiStateMachine(  756): DefaultState{ what=131154 when=-7ms }
> D/StateMachine(  756): handleMessage: X

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