>From the log i find:
[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
[    0.000000]     DMA     : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (   2 MB)
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xdc800000 - 0xf0000000   ( 312 MB)
[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xdc000000   ( 448 MB)

It does look like vmalloc failure happened though, the question is what
causes it?

What I did was to run the known working kernel (working from NAND FS) and
android file system from SD Card.
So what could have triggered this?


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Sujai Antony <sujai.ant...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Looks like /dev/binder failed malloc due to no vmalloc. Check the bootup
> logs if the vmalloc is allocated fine.
> >>>>>log snip .
> [   30.130000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
> [   30.130000] binder: 615:615 transaction failed 29201, size 64-0
> [   30.140000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
> [   30.140000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
> [   30.150000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
> [   30.150000] binder: 594:594 transaction failed 29201, size 68-0
> [   30.170000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
> >>>>>>>>
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:43 PM, Nandi <nanditamano...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just to add to the previous post  if I connect my USB cable, Android
>> seems to come out of boot loop and proceed to the
>> USB plugged screen.
>> Therefore it does not seem to be kernel / root issue. It must be
>> something to do with init scripts for booting from SD.
>> I am hoping some one can give me some clue.
>> The logs at the time of boot loop are here. I guess it is not due KP..
>> [   13.740000] warning: `zygote' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support
>> in use)
>> [   18.990000] .................bright:67..............
>> [   19.020000] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 19020441884
>> (2012-10-18 18:20:30.441562775 UTC)
>> [   19.040000] .................bright:127..............
>> [   19.410000] acc_open
>> [   19.410000] acc_release
>> [   20.310000] netd used greatest stack depth: 5352 bytes left
>> [   20.480000] netd used greatest stack depth: 5336 bytes left
>> [   21.430000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
>> [   21.440000] binder: 140: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   21.460000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
>> [   21.460000] binder: 279:279 transaction failed 29201, size 136-0
>> [   21.470000] init: waitpid returned pid 114, status = 00000009
>> [   21.480000] init: process 'zygote', pid 114 exited
>> [   21.480000] init: process 'zygote' killing any children in process
>> group
>> [   21.500000] binder: 140: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   21.500000] binder: 293:293 transaction failed 29201, size 176-4
>> [   21.510000] binder: 140: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   21.510000] binder: 206:206 transaction failed 29201, size 68-0
>> [   21.520000] binder: release 140:140 transaction 3237 in, still active
>> [   21.520000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 3237 to 340:340
>> [   21.530000] request_suspend_state: wakeup (0->0) at 21535678229
>> (2012-10-18 18:20:32.956801245 UTC)
>> [   21.560000] binder: 267: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   21.570000] binder: 112:112 transaction failed 29201, size 16-4
>> [   21.580000] init: service 'media' is being killed
>> [   21.590000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 3244 to 267:267
>> [   21.600000] init: starting 'media'
>> [   21.600000] init: service 'netd' is being killed
>> [   21.610000] init: starting 'netd'
>> [   21.610000] init: waitpid returned pid 81, status = 00000009
>> [   21.610000] init: untracked pid 81 exited
>> [   21.630000] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/dnsproxyd' with mode
>> '660', user '0', group '3003'
>> [   21.640000] init: waitpid returned pid 115, status = 00000009
>> [   21.660000] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/netd' with mode '660',
>> user '0', group '1000'
>> [   21.680000] init: untracked pid 115 exited
>> [   21.680000] init: waitpid returned pid 206, status = 00000009
>> [   21.700000] init: untracked pid 206 exited
>> [   21.700000] init: waitpid returned pid 254, status = 00000009
>> [   21.730000] init: untracked pid 254 exited
>> [   21.730000] init: waitpid returned pid 267, status = 00000009
>> [   21.750000] init: untracked pid 267 exited
>> [   21.750000] init: waitpid returned pid 279, status = 00000009
>> [   21.780000] init: untracked pid 279 exited
>> [   21.780000] init: waitpid returned pid 293, status = 00000009
>> [   21.830000] init: untracked pid 293 exited
>> [   21.830000] init: waitpid returned pid 340, status = 00000009
>> [   21.850000] init: untracked pid 340 exited
>> [   21.850000] init: waitpid returned pid 360, status = 00000009
>> [   21.870000] init: untracked pid 360 exited
>> [   21.870000] init: starting 'zygote'
>> [   21.870000] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/zygote' with mode '666',
>> user '0', group '0'
>> [   22.130000] Val = 4194304
>> [   27.640000] .................bright:67..............
>> [   27.670000] request_suspend_state: wakeup (0->0) at 27670590536
>> (2012-10-18 18:20:39.091713218 UTC)
>> [   27.680000] .................bright:127..............
>> [   28.050000] acc_open
>> [   28.050000] acc_release
>> [   30.130000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   30.130000] binder: 615:615 transaction failed 29201, size 64-0
>> [   30.140000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
>> [   30.140000] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
>> [   30.150000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   30.150000] binder: 594:594 transaction failed 29201, size 68-0
>> [   30.170000] binder: 396: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
>> [   30.180000] binder: 461:461 transaction failed 29201, size 348-8
>> [   30.190000] init: waitpid returned pid 388, status = 00000009
>> [   30.200000] init: process 'zygote', pid 388 exited
>> [   30.210000] init: process 'zygote' killing any children in process
>> group
>> [   30.210000] request_suspend_state: wakeup (0->0) at 30219268917
>> (2012-10-18 18:20:41.640391974 UTC)
>> [   30.220000] binder: release 396:407 transaction 5557 in, still active
>> [   30.230000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5557 to 523:523
>> [   30.240000] init: service 'media' is being killed
>> [   30.240000] init: starting 'media'
>> [   30.250000] binder: release 396:537 transaction 5632 in, still active
>> [   30.250000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5632 to 630:630
>> [   30.260000] init: service 'netd' is being killed
>> [   30.260000] init: starting 'netd'
>> [   30.280000] binder: release 396:588 transaction 5558 in, still active
>> [   30.280000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5558 to 523:614
>> [   30.290000] init: waitpid returned pid 370, status = 00000009
>> [   30.290000] init: untracked pid 370 exited
>> [   30.300000] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/dnsproxyd' with mode
>> '660', user '0', group '3003'
>> [   30.320000] binder: release 396:629 transaction 5673 in, still active
>> [   30.320000] binder: send failed reply for transaction 5673 to 558:558
>> [   30.330000] init: starting 'zygote'
>> [Keeps repeating]
>> TIA
>> -N
>> On Thursday, October 18, 2012 1:11:58 PM UTC+5:30, Nandi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to boot my android tablet from SD Card. I used the original
>>> kernel and system image and
>>> put then on SD card. I only changed the init files to reflect SD boot.
>>> The kernel boots fine but android GUI appears to be stuck at boot
>>> animation. I find some errors on the
>>> console log and I wondering what could be the issue.
>>> Here are the relevant logs:
>>> [    3.180000] init: command 'loglevel' r=0
>>> [    3.190000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.190000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.200000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.200000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.200000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.210000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.210000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.210000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.220000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.220000] init: command 'export' r=0
>>> [    3.230000] init: command 'symlink' r=0
>>> [    3.230000] init: command 'symlink' r=0
>>> [    3.230000] init: command 'symlink' r=0
>>> [    3.240000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.240000] init: command 'mount' r=-1
>>> [    3.250000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.250000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.250000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.260000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.260000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.260000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.270000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.270000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.270000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.280000] init: command 'mount' r=0
>>> [    3.280000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.290000] init: command 'mount' r=0
>>> [    3.290000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.290000] init: command 'write' r=-2
>>> [    3.300000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.300000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.300000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.310000] init: command 'write' r=-2
>>> [    3.310000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.320000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.320000] init: command 'mount' r=-1
>>> [    3.320000] init: command 'chown' r=0
>>> [    3.330000] init: command 'chown' r=-2
>>> [    3.330000] init: command 'chmod' r=-2
>>> [    3.340000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.340000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.340000] init: command 'chown' r=-2
>>> [    3.350000] init: command 'chmod' r=-2
>>> [    3.350000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.350000] init: command 'mkdir' r=0
>>> [    3.360000] init: command 'chown' r=-2
>>> [    3.360000] init: command 'chmod' r=-2
>>> [    3.370000] init: command 'write' r=0
>>> [    3.370000] init: command 'chmod' r=0
>>> [    3.370000] init: processing action 0x31140 (init)
>>> [    3.380000] init: command 'exec' r=0
>>> [    3.380000] init: processing action 0x2af48 (fs)
>>> [    3.440000] [mmc]: mmc 0 power on !!
>>> [    3.480000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 52,  RTO
>>> !!
>>> [    3.480000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 52,  RTO
>>> !!
>>> [    3.490000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 5,  RTO !!
>>> [    3.500000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 5,  RTO !!
>>> [    3.510000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 5,  RTO !!
>>> [    3.520000] [mmc]: sdxc_request_done(L1114): smc 0 err, cmd 5,  RTO !!
>>> [    3.560000] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address
>>> e624                          **
>>> [    3.570000] mmcblk0: mmc0:e624 SU08G 7.40 GiB
>>> <-----------------------  (SD card seems to be initialized here..)
>>> [    3.570000]  mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 < p5 p6 >
>>> [    3.600000] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): barriers disabled
>>> [    3.600000] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): mounted filesystem with ordered data
>>> mode. Opts: barrier=0
>>> As you can see some mounts and writes failed. Mostly suspect this to be
>>> the issue to SD initializing after
>>> the init has started.
>>> I have put this on top of init.rc:
>>> on fs
>>>     mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system ro wait noatime nodev
>>> barrier=0
>>>     wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
>>>     mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data wait noatime nosuid nodev
>>> barrier=0
>>>     setupfs /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
>>>     umount /data
>>>     exec /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/e2fsck -y
>>> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
>>>     exec /system/bin/busybox mount -t ext4 -o
>>> noatime,nosuid,nodev,barrier=**0,journal_checksum,noauto_da_**alloc
>>> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data
>>>     mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /cache wait noatime nosuid nodev
>>> barrier=0
>>>     setupfs /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
>>>     umount /cache
>>>        exec /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/e2fsck -y
>>> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
>>>     exec /system/bin/busybox mount -t ext4 -o
>>> noatime,nosuid,nodev,barrier=**0,journal_checksum,noauto_da_**alloc
>>> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /cache
>>> But still the init proceeded. Is there any way to delay the init?
>>> Any ideas on what could be the issue and how to solve it?
>>> Thanks
>>> -N
>>>  --
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