Commit-SHA : 65e8d62a5b243518795cdafa498df4a49baf6940

Sorry don't have a fix.

On Friday, February 15, 2013 3:19:39 PM UTC-8, Glenn Kasten wrote:
> You've probably found a bug in that particular ALOG_ASSERT condition ... 
> it's likely that this assert condition has not been tested recently.
> For reference, what is the Gerrit project name (e.g. frameworks/av or 
> frameworks/base) and the commit SHA that you're using?
> If you have a fix, can you please upload to AOSP -- see 
> (unfortunately we're not allowed to accept patches here by email, as we 
> need contributors to fill out the contributor agreement first).
> Thanks
> On Friday, February 15, 2013 3:07:07 PM UTC-8, Uday Gupta wrote:
>> We are seeing a crash in Audio Flinger at ALOG_ASSERT(minFrames <= 
>> cblk->frameCount); when running SprinkleFree APK (the APP is available at 
>> Google play store). We have logs enabled in Audio Flinger. If the logs are 
>> disabled then there is no crash and APP still runs fine.
>> To produce the issue:
>> 1.      Launch APP.
>> 2.      Go to Level 1.
>> 3.      On the left side there is a water hose. Move it up and down.
>> During step 3 the application is dynamically changing the sampling rate 
>> of the track and at some point the ASSERT condition is hit. Should 
>> cblk->frameCount take into account the changing sampling rate when doing 
>> the condition check for the assertion.
>> Please see this issue will not be seen on release builds or if the logs 
>> are not enabled in AudioFlinger as ALOG_ASSERT is void for these cases.
>> Below is one snapshot of assertion. Track was created with 44.1k sampling 
>> rate and audio HAL sampling rate is also 44.1k
>> 02-14 14:39:59.451: E/AudioTrack(1127): setSampleRate = 47451
>> 02-14 14:39:59.461: E/AudioFlinger(1311):  t->sampleRate = 47451, 
>> minFrames = 2205 track->name() = 4100
>> 02-14 14:39:59.461: E/AudioFlinger(1311): mNormalFrameCount = 2048, 
>> getUnreleasedFrames = 2070
>> 02-14 14:39:59.461: E/AudioFlinger(1311): after minFrames = 4275 
>> cblk->frameCount = 4096
>> 02-14 14:39:59.461: A/AudioFlinger(1311): Assertion failed: !(minFrames 
>> <= cblk->frameCount)


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