E/SoundPool(  146): Error creating AudioTrack

So, It failed when your player created the AudioTrack. And also there are 
many crashes when AudioFlinger restarted. Did you try to playback an audio 
only stream? What device did you use? Are you sure your audio hardware 
device worked correctly?
在 2013年7月18日星期四UTC+8下午3时32分29秒,Puneet B写道:

> once i got android home screen...
> i tried to play the video..
> but video is playing for 2 seconds then giving error like 
> sorry we cant play this video.
> IN console i am getting ...
> 119.644859]                init: starting 'media'
> [  119.781219] binder: release 716:716 transaction 20323 in, still active
> [  119.788082] init: waitpid returned pid 716, status = 0000000b
> [  119.794109] init: process 'media', pid 716 exited
> [  119.798937] binder: send failed reply for transaction 20323 to 142:209
> [  119.805628] init: process 'media' killing any children in process group
> [  119.814036] binder: 142:209 transaction failed 29189, size 92-0
> [  123.826220] init: starting 'media'
> [  124.286239] binder: release 720:720 transaction 20636 in, still active
> [  124.293231] init: waitpid returned pid 720, status = 0000000b
> [  124.299004] init: process 'media', pid 720 exited
> [  124.304034] binder: send failed reply for transaction 20636 to 142:209
> [  124.310761] init: process 'media' killing any children in process group
> [  124.318039] binder: 142:209 transaction failed 29189, size 92-0
> logcat output will be...
> W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): getOutput() could not find output for 
> stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels 3, flags 0
> W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): getOutput() could not find output for 
> stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels 3, flags 0
> W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): getOutput() could not find output for 
> stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels 3, flags 0
> E/SoundPool(  146): Error creating AudioTrack
> I/ActivityManager(  146): START {act=android.intent.action.VIEW 
> dat=file:///mnt/extsd/179_1/dil-mera-muft-ka-bollywoodmp4-com.mp4 
> typ=video/* c3
> D/ViewRootImpl(  146): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> I/ActivityManager(  146): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for activity 
> com.android.gallery3d/.app.MovieActivity: pid=630 uid=10013 gids={3003,}
> I/WindowManager(  146): MediaPlayer.is not PlayingVideo
> I/ActivityThread(  630): Pub com.android.gallery3d.provider: 
> com.android.gallery3d.provider.GalleryProvider
> D/SurfaceView(  630): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> W/MovieViewControl(  630): ************ Uri2File2Uri failed ***************
> D/dalvikvm(  630): GC_CONCURRENT freed 217K, 6% free 5866K/6215K, paused 
> 2ms+3ms
> I/AudioService(  146):  AudioFocus  requestAudioFocus() from 
> android.media.AudioManager@40fc10c8
> D/ViewRootImpl(  630): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> D/libEGL  (  630): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_mali.so
> D/libEGL  (  630): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_mali.so
> D/libEGL  (  630): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_mali.so
> [  135.452763] UMP<2>: New session opened
> D/OpenGLRenderer(  630): Enabling debug mode 0
> D/CDX_Player(   86): >>>>>>>> CedarX Player Version: 00010709 rc3
> I/CedarPlayerWrapper(   86): 
> setDataSource('/mnt/extsd/179_1/dil-mera-muft-ka-bollywoodmp4-com.mp4')
> I/WindowManager(  146): MediaPlayer.is not PlayingVideo
> D/MediaPlayer(  630): Deprecated setSubGate()
> I/Process (  146): Sending signal. PID: 630 SIG: 3
> I/dalvikvm(  630): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
> I/dalvikvm(  630): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
> D/osal_linux(   86): init hw ref count:1
> I/ActivityManager(  146): Displayed 
> com.android.gallery3d/.app.MovieActivity: +683ms
> D/dalvikvm(  630): GC_CONCURRENT freed 218K, 6% free 6096K/6471K, paused 
> 2ms+3ms
> W/InputManagerService(  146): Starting input on non-focused client 
> com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4112b4a8 (uid=10024 
> )
> D/MediaPlayer(  630): getMetadata
> D/VideoDec_Component(   86): vdec touch cpu freq
> D/ViewRootImpl(  630): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> D/hwcomposer(   83): ####hwc_set_init_para,mode:0,w:320,h:240,format:86
> D/hwcomposer(   83): 
> ####hwc_set3dmode,src:255,out:3,w:320,h:240,format:0x56
> D/hwcomposer(   83): ####first_frame ............
> D/hwcomposer(   83): ####hwc_show:1
> D/AudioDec_Component(   86): touch cpu freq
> W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): getOutput() could not find output for 
> stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels 3, flags 0
> F/libc    (   86): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000024 (code=1)
> E/MediaPlayer(  630): internal/external state mismatch corrected
> D/VideoView(  630): #################setvideoSize(), result: width = 912, 
> height = 684
> D/VideoView(  630): #################setvideoSize(), result: width = 912, 
> height = 684
> W/CDX_Player(   86): Can't Play,CedarX already in play mode!
> D/ViewRootImpl(  630): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> I/DEBUG   (  506): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
> *** ***
> I/DEBUG   (  506): Build fingerprint: 
> 'softwinners/crane_volAC0002j/crane-volAC0002j:4.0.4/IMM76D/20130529:eng/test-keys'
> I/DEBUG   (  506): pid: 86, tid: 654  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
> I/DEBUG   (  506): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 
> 00000024
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r0 00000024  r1 00010006  r2 00000000  r3 00010006
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r4 00000024  r5 00000000  r6 000119b0  r7 42ffae20
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r8 00000100  r9 00011978  10 00000003  fp 00000002
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  ip 40be3624  sp 42ffad58  lr 40acb117  pc 40029068  
> cpsr 20000010
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d0  207367616c66202c  d1  6f6e20646c756f67
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d2  6f20646e69662052  d3  6f66207475707461
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d4  004d006500630069  d5  00670061006e0061
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d6  0000000000720065  d7  1514acaa00000012
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d16 0000000000000000  d17 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d18 41b15c78e9000000  d19 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d20 0000000000000000  d21 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d22 0000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  scr 20000010
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #00  pc 00012068  /system/lib/libc.so 
> (pthread_mutex_lock)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #01  pc 00032114  /system/lib/libCedarX.so 
> (_ZN7android17CedarXAudioPlayer8getSpaceEv)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #02  pc 00032c12  /system/lib/libCedarX.so 
> (_ZN7android12CedarXPlayer30StagefrightAudioRenderGetSpaceEv)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #03  pc 000344b0  /system/lib/libCedarX.so 
> (_ZN7android12CedarXPlayer20CedarXPlayerCallbackEiPv)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #04  pc 00034572  /system/lib/libCedarX.so 
> (CedarXPlayerCallbackWrapper)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #05  pc 0005f224  /system/lib/libCedarX.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #06  pc 0004a570  /system/lib/libCedarX.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #07  pc 00012c64  /system/lib/libc.so 
> (__thread_entry)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #08  pc 000127b8  /system/lib/libc.so 
> (pthread_create)
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): code around pc:
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40029048 e3a02001 ebfffebe e1a00005 e8bd87f0  . 
> ..............
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40029058 00036368 e92d47f0 e2504000 0a000019  
> hc...G-..@P.....
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40029068 e5946000 e5947000 e2166903 1a000017  
> .`...p...i......
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40029078 e5945000 e1a02004 e2055a02 e1a00005  .P... 
> ...Z......
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40029088 e3851001 ebffed3d e3500000 13856002  
> ....=.....P..`..
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): code around lr:
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40acb0f4 fb026365 6323f301 f7fe4630 2000eb4c  
> ec....#c0F..L.. 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40acb104 bf00bdfe f100b570 46050424 f7fe4620  
> ....p...$..F F..
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40acb114 4620eb30 f7fe6f2d 4628eb3e bf00bd70  0. 
> F-o..>.(Fp...
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40acb124 4604b570 0524f104 60082000 460e4628  p..F..$.. 
> .`(F.F
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40acb134 eb1ef7fe 46286ce3 f8946033 f7fe4049  
> .....l(F3`..I@..
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): stack:
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad18  00000100  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad1c  00000001  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad20  4005f508  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad24  00004000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad28  000123d8  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad2c  4002c8c1  /system/lib/libc.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad30  00010da0  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad34  ffffffed  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad38  00000002  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad3c  0000ac44  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad40  00000100  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad44  00011978  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad48  000123d8  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad4c  4002cf23  /system/lib/libc.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad50  df0027ad  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad54  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506): #00 42ffad58  00000024  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad5c  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad60  000119b0  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad64  42ffae20  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad68  00000100  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad6c  00011978  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad70  00000003  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad74  40acb117  /system/lib/libCedarX.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506): #01 42ffad78  00019240  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad7c  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad80  000119b0  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     42ffad84  40acbc17  /system/lib/libCedarX.so
> D/hwcomposer(   83): ####open layer ............
> D/VideoDec_Component(   86): vdec touch cpu freq
> W/AudioSystem(  310): AudioPolic[  137.484363] binder: 630:630 transaction 
> failed 29189, size 68-0
> yService server died!
> W/AudioSy[  137.492713] init: waitpid returned pid 86, status = 0000000b
> stem(  146): AudioPolicyService [  137.500722] init: process 'media', pid 
> 86 exited
> server died!
> W/AudioSystem(  14[  137.507842] init: process 'media' killing any 
> children in process group
> 6): AudioFlinger server died!
> W/IMediaDeathNotifier(  146): media server died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.audio_policy' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.player' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.camera' died
> W/AudioSystem(  630): AudioFlinger server died!
> W/IMediaDeathNotifier(  630): media server died
> E/MediaPlayer(  630): error (100, 0)
> W/AudioSystem(  230): AudioFlinger server died!
> E/MediaPlayer(  630): Error (100,0)
> D/VideoView(  630): Error: 100,0
> I/BootReceiver(  146): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_03 to DropBox 
> (SY[  137.570939] init: starting 'media'
> D/ViewRootImpl(  630): pckname = com.android.gallery3d
> D/dalvikvm(  146): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 243K, 7% free 7802K/8327K, paused 
> 97ms
> I/InputQueue-JNI(  630): Sending finished signal for input channel 
> '41151a60 
> Panel:com.android.gallery3d/com.android.gallery3d.app.MovieActivit.
> D/dalvikvm(  146): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 123K, 7% free 7973K/8519K, paused 
> 72ms
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.player...
> D/dalvikvm(  146): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 209K, 9% free 8011K/8711K, paused 
> 63ms
> I/        (  657): ServiceManager: 0xf958
> E/audio_hw_primary(  657): Unable to find 'Master Playback Volume' mixer 
> control
> E/AudioFlinger(  657): couldn't open audio hw device in audio.primary 
> (Invalid argument)
> E/AudioFlinger(  657): Primary audio interface not found
> I/CameraService(  657): CameraService started (pid=657)
> W/CCameraConfig(  657): invalid camera config file hadle
> W/CCameraConfig(  657): invalid camera config file hadle
> E/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  657): Failed to initialize hardware output 
> stream, samplingRate: 0, format 0, channels 0
> E/AudioPolicyService(  657): couldn't init_check the audio policy (No such 
> device)
> I/InputQueue-JNI(  630): Ignoring finish signal on channel that is no 
> longer registered.
> E/AudioService(  146): Media server died.
> E/AudioService(  146): Media server started.
> W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  657): setPhoneState() setting same state 0
> F/libc    (  657): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xfffffff4 (code=1)
> I/DEBUG   (  506): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
> *** ***
> I/DEBUG   (  506): Build fingerprint: 
> 'softwinners/crane_volAC0002j/crane-volAC0002j:4.0.4/IMM76D/20130529:eng/test-keys'
> I/DEBUG   (  506): pid: 657, tid: 660  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
> I/DEBUG   (  506): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 
> fffffff4
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r0 fffffff4  r1 00000004  r2 00000000  r3 413cec04
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r4 000101b8  r5 00000000  r6 00000000  r7 00000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  r8 413cedf0  r9 00000291  10 000003f5  fp 00000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  ip 4115f594  sp 413cec00  lr 40155291  pc 4115b990  
> cpsr 00000030
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d0  4100d0a4000000ac  d1  00000008000003d0
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d2  000000ac00000000  d3  00010b0000000041
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d4  004d002e006e006f  d5  004600490044004f
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d6  00550041005f0059  d7  005f004f00490044
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d16 41a0677ca6b0a3d7  d17 3f50624dd2f1a9fc
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d18 41c224adc8800000  d19 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d20 0000000000000000  d21 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d22 0000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
> I/DEBUG   (  506):  scr 00000010
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #00  pc 00006990  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so(_ZN20android_audio_legacy22AudioPolicyManagerBase12getNew)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #01  pc 0000737c  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so(_ZN20android_audio_legacy22AudioPolicyManagerBase11setFor)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #02  pc 00008684  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #03  pc 00035136  
> /system/lib/libaudioflinger.so 
> (_ZN7android18AudioPolicyService11setForceUseE24audio_policy_force)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #04  pc 0004be1e  /system/lib/libmedia.so 
> (_ZN7android20BnAudioPolicyService10onTransactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #05  pc 00033600  
> /system/lib/libaudioflinger.so 
> (_ZN7android18AudioPolicyService10onTransactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #06  pc 00017ec0  /system/lib/libbinder.so 
> (_ZN7android7BBinder8transactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #07  pc 0001b1ea  /system/lib/libbinder.so 
> (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14executeCommandEi)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #08  pc 0001b3c6  /system/lib/libbinder.so 
> (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #09  pc 000206a4  /system/lib/libbinder.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #10  pc 00021196  /system/lib/libutils.so 
> (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #11  pc 000217dc  /system/lib/libutils.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #12  pc 00012c64  /system/lib/libc.so 
> (__thread_entry)
> I/DEBUG   (  506):          #13  pc 000127b8  /system/lib/libc.so 
> (pthread_create)
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): code around pc:
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 4115b970 83fee8bd 00002636 ab02b5f7 f1004604  
> ....6&.......F..
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 4115b980 f8430014 46191d04 f7ff4615 2104fdf7  
> ..C....F.F.....!
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 4115b990 46306806 fd26f7ff b1186823 46206f5b  
> .h0F..&.#h..[o F
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 4115b9a0 e0272104 1084f8d3 47884620 4630b928  .!'..... 
> F.G(.0F
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 4115b9b0 f7ff2101 2800fd17 6820d01f 6f432101  
> .!.....(.. h.!Co
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): code around lr:
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40155270 bf00bd10 0000bd54 ffffffcc 4ff8e92d  
> ....T.......-..O
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40155280 68874605 46904689 a004f8d0 faa4f7f8  
> .F.h.F.F........
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 40155290 24003f01 e0144683 68281b39 eb01464a  
> .?.$.F..9.(hJF..
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 401552a0 6c0376d1 eb044628 fb0b0666 4798a106  
> .v.l(F..f......G
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 401552b0 d1022800 46304634 da01e007 e0001c74  
> .(..4F0F....t...
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): memory map around addr fffffff4:
> I/DEBUG   (  506): ffff0000-ffff1000 [vectors]
> I/DEBUG   (  506): (no map for address)
> I/DEBUG   (  506): (no map above)
> I/DEBUG   (  506): 
> I/DEBUG   (  506): stack:
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebc0  413cec04  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebc4  000101cc  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebc8  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebcc  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebd0  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebd4  413cedf0  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebd8  00000291  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebdc  000003f5  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebe0  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebe4  401552ed  /system/lib/libutils.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebe8  000101cc  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebec  4115b58f  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebf0  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebf4  413cec04  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebf8  df0027ad  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cebfc  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506): #00 413cec00  000101b8  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec04  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec08  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec0c  00000001  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec10  000101b8  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec14  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec18  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec1c  4115c381  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506): #01 413cec20  000109b0  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec24  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec28  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec2c  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec30  413cedf0  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec34  00000291  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec38  000003f5  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec3c  400f6f23  /system/lib/libc.so
> I/[  139.927845] binder: release 657:660 transaction 10547 in, still active
> DEBUG   (  506):     413cec40  0[  139.935185] init: waitpid returned pid 
> 657, status = 0000000b
> 00109b0  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  50[  139.944181] binder: send failed reply for transaction 
> 10547 to 146:217
> 6):     413cec44  4015237b  /system/lib/libutils.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec48  413cec64  [  139.960129] init: process 
> 'media', pid 657 exited
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec4[  139.965624] init: process 'media' killing 
> any children in process group
> c  413cec64  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec50  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec54  40152d57  /system/lib/libutils.so
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec58  0000fe58  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec5c  0000fe6c  [heap]
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec60  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec64  00000000  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec68  413cedf0  
> I/DEBUG   (  506):     413cec6c  4115d687  /system/lib/hw/
> audio_policy.default.so
> I/BootReceiver(  146): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox 
> W/AudioSystem(  146): AudioPolicyService server died!
> W/IMediaDeathNotifier(  146): media server died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.audio_policy' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.player' died
> I/ServiceManager(   79): service 'media.camera' died
> W/AudioSystem(  146): AudioFlinger server died!
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
> D/dalvikvm(  146): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 549K, 11% free 7765K/8711K, paused 
> 107ms
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.player...
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.player...
> [  142.002272] init: starting 'media'
> I/ServiceManager(  146): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
> I/        (  662): ServiceManager: 0xf958
> E/audio_hw_primary(  662): Unable to find 'Master Playback Volume' mixer 
> control
> E/AudioFlinger(  662): couldn't open audio hw device in audio.primary 
> (Invalid argument)
> E/AudioFlinger(  662): Primary audio interface not found
> I/CameraService(  662): CameraService started (pid=662)
> W/CCameraConfig(  662): invalid camera config file hadle
> W/CCameraConfig(  662): invalid camera config file hadle
> E/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  662): Failed to initialize hardware output 
> stream, samplingRate: 0, format 0, channels 0
> E/AudioPolicyService(  662): couldn't init_check the audio policy (No such 
> device)
> What is the issue.
> Kindly help me...
> Regards
> Punith

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