Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your reply, it's very helpful and confirms most of the things 
I've discovered in my investigation.

As a short followup question, where can I read more (either documents or 
source) about deep buffers? I enabled logging and added some custom log 
messages in AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::threadLoop_write(), and I see 
that it writes to two different sinks depending on the application. One of 
them (the "normal sink") writes frames of audio depending on how I 
configure AudioFlinger, and the other one writes to an AudioStreamOut (HAL 
object) directly. Whenever the latter happens, I also see messages about 
offloading printed. Is this in any way related to deep buffers or 
fast/normal mixer selection?

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 7:10:13 AM UTC-8, Glenn Kasten wrote:
> See attached diagram "Audio playback architecture.pdf".
> This shows 3 major paths that audio can be played out, 
> however these are not the only paths.
> 1. Low latency tracks are mixed directly by fast mixer.
> They have attenuation applied, but no resampling or app processor effects.
> 2. Normal latency tracks are mixed by normal mixer,
> and in addition to attenuation can have optional resampling
> or app processor effects applied. Both of the latter can use
> significant CPU time, and may be bursty in CPU consumption,
> thus this is why they are limited to normal tracks.
> The output of normal mixer is a single fast track (via a memory pipe),
> which then is treated as (1) above by fast mixer.
> 3. Deep buffer tracks, used for music playback with screen off,
> go through a similar path as #2 but without the fast mixer part.
> After the mix is done, it is written directly to HAL.
> There are other paths but they are less relevant to your question.
> So to answer your question: no there is no single point.
> If you're applying CPU-intensive processing, I would recommed
> adding them to the normal mixer path used for #2 and #3.
> Avoid adding them to fast mixer as this will likely cause
> performance problems for lower latency tracks.
> On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 6:20:02 PM UTC-8, AudioLinger wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been reading through AudioFlinger and audio hardware code looking 
>> for the place where all audio from all tracks and sessions comes together. 
>> My initial guess was the audio mixer, but there are now two audio mixers 
>> (the normal one and the FastMixer). When looking at the ssize_t 
>> AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::threadLoop_write() method inside 
>> frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/Threads.cpp, depending on existence of 
>> a "normal sink" we either process audio through a mixer or, if I understand 
>> it correctly, send it directly to the hardware to take care of. My goal is 
>> to be able to process all audio (except phone call and other such special 
>> things) that the device outputs. The above mentioned method was my best 
>> guess, but even at that point it splits into different mixing strategies.
>> Any pointers?

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