Quality improvements to the documentation would be welcome;
please see http://source.android.com/source/submit-patches.html

On Friday, June 6, 2014 6:38:41 PM UTC-7, trevd wrote:
> Hi Bob
> Ay there's definitely plenty of room for error. For reference the init 
> "language" is "documented" here 
> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/core/+/master/init/readme.txt.
> However it's a mixture of fact and fiction as some of the functionality was 
> never implemented. the "on device-" triggers only ever existed in the mind 
> of author ( although I believe intel eventually implemented it 4 years down 
> the line :\ ). It was this functionality which the hotplug service was 
> developed to implement. 
> I can only apologise for "contrived" nature of my code. I was just picking 
> up C and Linux at the time after spending a decade on .Net, so I can 
> definitely say it's not the finest piece of code I've ever hacked together 
> but it did the job. :)
> trevd
> On Friday, 6 June 2014 18:29:24 UTC+1, rsg wrote:
>> Hi trevd,
>> Yeah, you are right.  What I discovered is that I had a faulty Android.mk 
>> file that was driving the build of my daemon, such that it sometimes 
>> worked, but usually didn't.  So many of my changes weren't actually taking 
>> effect!  Then, the hang, which was simply a mistake on my part when 
>> creating the bootable SD Card (don't ask, too embarrassing!), really had me 
>> confused.
>> I sorted those issues out last night, and my code (with DAEMONIZE not 
>> defined) works correctly.
>> Thanks for confirming my understanding, and for the example daemon - 
>> seems the right balance between contrived (for ease in understanding) and 
>> the usual "real-world" (too complicated to understand); it's likely to 
>> serve as a useful reference going forward!
>> Regards,
>> Bob
>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 11:16:03 AM UTC-4, trevd wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I don't think you need to "daemonize" the process manually as the native 
>>> service infrastructure handles that for you. IIRC you can sit in the loop 
>>> on the Main thread.
>>> Here's an example of a USB Device hotplug listener I wrote a while back 
>>> which ran as a system service.
>>> https://github.com/trevd/android_external_hotplugd/blob/ics/hotplug.c
>>> However if you actually do want to daemonize the process you can add 
>>> oneshot to the service declaration which will tell init to only start the 
>>> service once, e.g
>>>  service rsgd /system/bin/rsgd
>>>     oneshot
>>>     class main
>>>     user system
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> trevd
>>> On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 05:11:30 UTC+1, rsg wrote:
>>>> I need to write a Linuxland daemon that talks to our custom hardware. 
>>>>  I would like to use the /init process to start, and if necessary, restart 
>>>> it.  I have made this entry into the init.<hardware>.rc file that looks 
>>>> like this:
>>>>   service rsgd /system/bin/rsgd
>>>>     class main
>>>>     user system
>>>> Here is my daemon (just a skeleton now, but it runs):
>>>> #include <sys/types.h>
>>>> #include <sys/stat.h>
>>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>>> #include <stdlib.h>
>>>> #include <fcntl.h>
>>>> #include <errno.h>
>>>> #include <unistd.h>
>>>> #include <syslog.h>
>>>> #include <string.h>
>>>>           #define DAEMONIZE
>>>> int main(void)
>>>> {
>>>> #ifdef DAEMONIZE 
>>>>   pid_t pid, sid;
>>>>   /* Fork off the parent process */
>>>>   pid = fork();
>>>>   if (pid < 0) {
>>>>     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>>>>   }
>>>>   /* Exit the parent process. */
>>>>   if (pid > 0) {
>>>>     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
>>>>   }
>>>> #endif
>>>>   /* Change the file mode mask */
>>>>   umask(0);
>>>> #ifdef DAEMONIZE 
>>>>   /* Create a new SID for the child process */
>>>>   sid = setsid();
>>>>   if (sid < 0) {
>>>>     /* Log the failure */
>>>>     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>>>>   }
>>>> #endif
>>>>   /* Change the current working directory */
>>>>   if ((chdir("/")) < 0) {
>>>>     /* Log the failure */
>>>>     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>>>>   }
>>>>   /* Close out the standard file descriptors */
>>>>   close(STDIN_FILENO);
>>>>   close(STDOUT_FILENO);
>>>>   close(STDERR_FILENO);
>>>>   /* Daemon-specific initialization goes here */
>>>>   /* The Big Loop */
>>>>   while (1) {
>>>>     /* Do some task here ... */
>>>>     usleep(100000); /* wait 100 milliseconds */
>>>>   }
>>>>   exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
>>>> }
>>>> Nothing fancy.  When I build the system, the daemon gets created 
>>>> properly, and lives in /system/bin, as expected.  When I boot the system, 
>>>> however, /init continually starts my daemon, many times, until the system 
>>>> eventually runs out of memory!
>>>> Is there something my daemon needs to do so /init doesn't think it has 
>>>> died and needs to restart? 
>>>> Well, as I wrote this originally, I had an "Aha!" moment - /init must 
>>>> be acting on the exit of the parent process!  That would explain why it 
>>>> starts another instance, even though the prior one is still around.  So I 
>>>> got rid of the code with the DAEMONIZE conditionals, but that just hangs 
>>>> the system immediately after print this message:
>>>> Freeing init memory: 248K
>>>> So, what is the proper way to write a Linux daemon that /init can 
>>>> manage for me?  Any ideas welcome!
>>>> Thanks!

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