
I have a strange issue when trying to bringup Android 4.4. on a new HW:

When Zygote is initializing, it is failing with the following error:

W/dalvikvm(  607): Exception Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; thrown while 
initializing Ljava/icu/ICU;
W/dalvikvm(  607): Exception Ljava/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError; thrown 
while initializing Ljava/lang/VMThread;
E/dalvikvm(  607): thread classes failed to initialize
W/dalvikvm(  607): CreateJavaVM failed: dvmPrepMainThread failed

I tried to understand what can fail during <clinit> of ICU class, and found 
it is using BasicLruCache. When commenting this usage out, this class 
passes initialization. Then I get this exception for a next class:

W/dalvikvm(  732): Exception Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; thrown while 
initializing Ljava/lang/Enum;

Again, Enum is using BasicLruCache.

I googled the problem with NullPointerException and BasicLruCache and found 
the following description:


I'm not familiar with Java compilation on Android and Dalvik VM. I can't 
find proguard configuration file that will affect Android build process.

Can anyone help me with this issue? 

P.S. I'm using Sun Java 6 for the build as required by build scripts.

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