Thanks for the fast replay.
I am using am43xx.
Actually we are doing a fresh android kitkat port on this SOC by taking 
am335x as reference.
So I think it should support gralloc.omap3.so which is used in am335xevm.

On Friday, August 8, 2014 11:23:06 AM UTC+5:30, Braganza Roberts wrote:
> Gralloc.omap3.so is given by TI.
> What is the SOC you are using. You need to contact the particular SOC 
> vendor to provide you the correct version of gralloc.
> On Aug 8, 2014 12:59 PM, "deepak vijay" <deepakv...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks for replying Vishveshwar and Roberts.
>> I checked with the AOSP software implemented opengles graphics libraries.
>> And I am getting the following logs.
>> [    3.558390] fsg_num_buffers 1 is out of range (2 to 4)
>> [    3.564322] android_init_functions: Failed to init mass_storage
>> [    3.570881] android_usb 48390000.usb: failed to start android_usb: -22
>> [    3.578370] init: failed to probe driver -22
>> [    3.584306] omap_rtc 44e3e000.rtc: setting system clock to 2000-01-01 
>> 00:00:01 UTC (946684801)
>> [    3.599427] ALSA device list:
>> [    3.602661]   #0: AM437x-GP-EVM
>> [    3.621305] kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
>> [    3.653982] EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p2): using internal journal
>> [    3.659569] EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p2): mounted filesystem with ordered data 
>> mode
>> [    3.667080] VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) on device 179:2.
>> [    3.678216] devtmpfs: mounted
>> [    3.684333] Freeing unused kernel memory: 540K (c0b91000 - c0c18000)
>> [    5.038871] init: /init.am437xevm.rc: 176: ignored duplicate 
>> definition of service 'ril-daemon'
>> [    5.052155] init (1): /proc/1/oom_adj is deprecated, please use 
>> /proc/1/oom_score_adj instead.
>> [    5.380433] init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
>> [   25.010909] fs_mgr: Cannot mount filesystem on 
>> /dev/block/platform/ocp.0/mmcblk0p3 at /data
>> [   25.019981] init: fs_mgr_mount_all returned an error
>> [   25.055735] init: Unable to open persistent property directory 
>> /data/property errno: 2
>> [   25.107714] healthd: No charger supplies found
>> [   25.112500] healthd: BatteryStatusPath not found
>> [   25.161302] healthd: BatteryHealthPath not found
>> [   25.170936] healthd: BatteryPresentPath not found
>> [   25.177303] healthd: BatteryCapacityPath not found
>> [   25.183913] healthd: BatteryVoltagePath not found
>> [   25.191039] healthd: BatteryTemperaturePath not found
>> [   25.200201] healthd: BatteryTechnologyPath not found
>> [   25.207766] binder: 1510:1510 transaction failed 29189, size 0-0
>> [   25.226991] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', 
>> disabling 'flash_recovery'
>> [   25.332063] init: property 'ro.serialno' doesn't exist while expanding 
>> '${ro.serialno}'
>> [   25.342143] init: cannot expand '${ro.serialno}' while writing to 
>> '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSe
>> rial'
>> [   25.361118] init: property 'sys.powerctl' doesn't exist while 
>> expanding '${sys.powerctl}'
>> [   25.372831] init: powerctl: cannot expand '${sys.powerctl}'
>> [   25.380348] init: property 'sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes' doesn't 
>> exist while expanding '${sys.sysctl.
>> extra_free_kbytes}'
>> [   25.396780] init: cannot expand '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}' 
>> while writing to '/proc/sys/vm/extra
>> _free_kbytes'
>> [   25.408309] init: property 'sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd' doesn't 
>> exist while expanding '${sys.sysctl.
>> tcp_def_init_rwnd}'
>> [   25.425541] init: cannot expand '${sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd}' 
>> while writing to '/proc/sys/net/ipv4
>> /tcp_default_init_rwnd'
>> shell@am437xevm:/ $ [   26.271581] pvrsrvkm: disagrees about version of 
>> symbol module_layout
>> [   26.459959] omaplfb: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
>> logcat
>> --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
>> I/installd( 1521): installd firing up
>> E/cutils  ( 1521): Failed to read /data/.layout_version: No such file or 
>> directory
>> E/installd( 1521): Could not create directories; exiting.
>> I/DEBUG   ( 1515): debuggerd: Jul 31 2014 16:40:46
>> --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
>> I/Vold    ( 1512): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
>> I/Netd    ( 1514): Netd 1.0 starting
>> W/InterfaceController( 1514): Warning (dlopen failed: library 
>> "/system/lib/libnetcmdiface.so" not found) 
>> while opening the net interface command library
>> E/keystore( 1522): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
>> I/SurfaceFlinger( 1517): SurfaceFlinger is starting
>> I/SurfaceFlinger( 1517): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. 
>> Initializing graphics H/W...
>> D/libEGL  ( 1517): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL.so
>> I/mediaserver( 1520): ServiceManager: 0xb7190460
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
>> I/CameraService( 1520): CameraService started (pid=1520)
>> E/CameraService( 1520): Could not load camera HAL module
>> I/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1520): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded 
>> /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from 
>> Default audio HW HAL (audio) ha
>> ndle 1
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): HAL output buffer size 1024 frames, normal mix 
>> buffer size 1024 frames
>> I/AudioMixer( 1520): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from 
>> The Android Open Source Project
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): Using module 1 has the primary audio interface
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): AudioFlinger's thread 0xb60a1008 ready to run
>> W/AudioFlinger( 1520): Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power 
>> manager service
>> W/AudioFlinger( 1520): Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power 
>> manager service
>> W/AudioFlinger( 1520): Thread AudioOut_2 cannot connect to the power 
>> manager service
>> E/AudioFlinger( 1520): no wake lock to update!
>> I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1520): adev_open:  adev_open in A2dp_hw module
>> I/AudioFlinger( 1520): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from 
>> A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 3
>> I/AudioPolicyService( 1520): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy 
>> HAL (audio_policy)
>> D/AndroidRuntime( 1518): 
>> D/AndroidRuntime( 1518): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
>> com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
>> D/AndroidRuntime( 1518): CheckJNI is ON
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/syst
>> em@framew...@core.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/core.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/conscrypt.jar (/data/dalvik-cache
>> /system@framew...@conscrypt.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/conscrypt.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/okhttp.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/sy
>> stem@framew...@okhttp.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/okhttp.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/core-junit.jar (/data/dalvik-cach
>> e/system@framew...@core-junit.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/core-junit.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar (/data/dalvik-ca
>> che/system@framew...@bouncycastle.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/syste
>> m@framew...@ext.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/ext.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache
>> /system@framew...@framework.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/framework.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/framework2.jar (/data/dalvik-cach
>> e/system@framew...@framework2.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/framework2.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/telephony-common.jar (/data/dalvi
>> k-cache/system@framew...@telephony-common.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/telephony-common.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/voip-common.jar (/data/dalvik-cac
>> he/system@framew...@voip-common.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/voip-common.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/mms-common.jar (/data/dalvik-cach
>> e/system@framew...@mms-common.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/mms-common.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-
>> cache/system@framew...@android.policy.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/android.policy.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/d[   
>> 28.990190] init: untracked pid 1649 exi
>> ted
>> alvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system@framew...@services.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/services.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/apache-xml.jar (/data/dalvik-cach
>> e/system@framew...@apache-xml.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/apache-xml.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): Could not stat dex cache directory 
>> '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to open or create cache for 
>> /system/framework/webviewchromium.jar (/data/dalvik
>> -cache/system@framew...@webviewchromium.jar@classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm( 1518): Unable to process classpath element 
>> '/system/framework/webviewchromium.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): No valid entries found in bootclasspath 
>> '/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/
>> conscrypt.jar:/system/framework/okhttp.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastl
>> e.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/framework2.jar:/system/
>> framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/mms-common.jar:/system
>> /framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/fra
>> mework/webviewchromium.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm( 1518): VM aborting
>> F/libc    ( 1518): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x000005ee (code=-6), 
>> thread 1518 (zygote)
>> I/DEBUG   ( 1515): failed to open tombstone file 
>> '/data/tombstones/tombstone_00': No such file or directo
>> ry
>> And when I checked the gralloc, I find that there is two gralloc present. 
>> gralloc.default.so and gralloc.omap3.so
>> I am able to work only with gralloc.default.so. Not with gralloc.omap3.so
>> If gralloc.omap3.so is present it will fail immediately after loading 
>> the EGL*.so
>> Please provide some workaround instruction to solve this.
>> Regards,
>> Deepak Vijay
>>  -- 
>> -- 
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