I am working on a tablet that has no modem (aka cellular radio) and is not 
designed to be used for receiving or sending voice calls/SMS/MMS using 
cdma/gsm/etc. This device does have Wi-Fi connectivity. I wonder if anyone 
has a complete list of changes that need to be made to the android platform 
for a devices like this? I am working on Nougat. Here's what I have so far:

   - switched my device mk file to point to full_base.mk instead of 
   - added a overlay/frameworks/base/care/res/res/values/config.xml 
   with config_voice_capable set to false, config_sms_capable set to 
   false, config_telephonyHardware set to an empty string array
   - set PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS := tablet in my device mk file
   - copy tablet_core_hardware.xml to system/etc/permissions instead of 

Am I missing anything? What about changes to init rc files?

Some things I noticed are the following modules are still included in the 
system image: BlockedNumberProvider, Telecom, TeleService, MmsService, 
TelephonyProvider, voip-common.jar, telecom.jar, telephony-common.jar, 
ims-common.jar. Even though I have selected the "no telephony" build mk 
files. Are these modules all needed on a device that doesn't have telephony 
features? As an experiment I removed the APKs (I haven't tried remove the 
jars yet) and the device seems to boot and run just fine so it seems they 
are just wasting resources.

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