
I would like to customize the systemUI dimensions (width height) like 
following :

I have one monitor resolution 1920x1080, I'm compiling the source with 
HDMI_RES 1920x1080.
But I want to display Android SystemUI only on the right part of the screen 
and the other part I want to keep it for another display.

For example for 1920x1080 Full screen, I will allocate 1280x1080 for 
Android System (including apps, statusbar, actionbar, wallpaper etc..) and 
640x1080 for the other display.

I don't know exactly where can I set a maxWidth on the Android Source to 
make the layer create surfaces with custom dimension.
Maybe from the java ? Or directly from the SurfaceFlinger ?
I think it would be great to be able to customize the Max Width and the Max 
Height from Source.

Where should I go to set those sizes ?

Thanks for help.

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