I have added effect interface wrapper at hardware/qcom/audio/post_proc/ and 
add this effect in audio_effect.conf file under proxy section as below

  custom_effect {
    library proxy
    uuid b8e70ecd-48ca-456e-8a4f-0002a5d5c51b

    libsw {
      library bundle
      uuid b0dac280-401c-11e3-9379-0002a5d5c51b

    libhw {
      library my_effect
      uuid b0dac280-401c-11e3-9379-0002a5d5c51b

1. my_effect - this is my custom effect wrapper
2. So I am bit confuse about audio_effect.conf configuration which i have 
3. I want know how "proxy" will control both effect "libsw" and "libhw"
4. By using which UUID i should invoke my custom effect?

With above process i'm facing following issue. Please do let me know if i'm 
doing wrong. Thanks in advance.

 AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() DONE thread 0xecce8000
05-03 05:36:10.866  1093  3462 V AudioFlinger: wait async completion (wait 
time: 9223372036854775807)
05-03 05:36:10.867  1093  2077 V AudioFlinger: createEffect pid 3476, 
effectClient 0xeb68ea40, priority 0, sessionId 0, io 0, factory 0xecc989c0
05-03 05:36:10.867  1093  2077 D PermissionCache: checking 
android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=10124 => granted (520 us)
05-03 05:36:10.868   819  1242 E EffectFactoryHAL: Error querying effect 
descriptor for b0dac280-401c-11e3-9379-0002a5d5c51b: No such file or 
05-03 05:36:10.868  1093  2077 W AudioFlinger: createEffect() error -2 from 
05-03 05:36:10.869  3476  3476 E AudioEffect: set(): AudioFlinger could not 
create effect ec7178ec-e5e1-4432-a3f4-4657e6795210 / 
b0dac280-401c-11e3-9379-0002a5d5c51b, status: -2
05-03 05:36:10.869  3476  3476 E AudioEffects-JNI: AudioEffect initCheck 
failed -3
05-03 05:36:10.869  3476  3476 V AudioEffect: Destructor 0x7b3f626140
05-03 05:36:10.870  3476  3476 E AudioEffect-JAVA: Error code -3 when 
initializing AudioEffect.
05-03 05:36:10.870  3476  3476 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
05-03 05:36:10.872  1093  1485 V AudioFlinger: ### 
05-03 05:36:10.872  1093  1485 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
05-03 05:36:10.875  1093  1487 V AudioFlinger: ### 
05-03 05:36:10.875  1093  1487 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
05-03 05:36:10.876  1093  1491 V AudioFlinger: ### 
05-03 05:36:10.876  1093  1491 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
--------- beginning of crash
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: Process: 
com.example.android.dtsdecimation, PID: 3476
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot initialize effect engine for type: 
ec7178ec-e5e1-4432-a3f4-4657e6795210 Error: -3
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 
05-03 05:36:10.876  3476  3476 E AndroidRuntime: at 

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