
we are running into problems when we try to add our own BoardConfig that is 
supposed to include/inherit another config, in this case it is the 
cuttlefish emulator, so that we can change and add parameters without 
having to edit the aosp source. We've had a device configured to use 
cuttlefish for a long time and it works, but would like the ability to 
overwrite and add our own parameters in the BoardConfig.

I've tried two ways of doing it, including one of these two lines in our 
config, the difference is explained here: 

   1. include device/google/cuttlefish/vsoc_x86/BoardConfig.mk
   2. $(call inherit-product, 

When trying to build with the included config we get a lot of the similar 
errors with several modules and libraries missing.
error: "hostapd (EXECUTABLES android-x86) missing lib_driver_cmd_simulated 
(STATIC_LIBRARIES android-x86)"

And when trying the inherit-product way we get the following when running 
error: cannot assign to readonly variable: PRODUCT_NAME

So the problem occurs when we try to use our own BoardConfig, using;
PRODUCT_DEVICE := "our-own"
instead of using cuttlefish directly, which works fine;
PRODUCT_DEVICE := vsoc_x86

How are we supposed to accomplish this, without needing to edit aosp source 
code, or creating a copy of the source?

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