Hi all,

I am trying to bring up android 10 on hikey960.
Registered hostapd service in init.rc as below :
*service hostapd /system/vendor/bin/hw/hostapd \*
*     -e /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin -c /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf 
*     interface android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd default*
*     interface android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd default*
*     socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi*
*     class main*
*     disabled*
*     oneshot*

But when I turn ON hotspot from UI, get below error :

04-24 22:58:36.953  2975  2975 I ConnectivityManager: startTethering 
04-24 22:58:36.954  2685  3099 I WifiService: startSoftAp uid=1000
04-24 22:58:36.955  2685  3099 D WifiService: startSoftApInternal 
startSoftApInternal uid=1000 mode=1
04-24 22:58:36.956  2685  2783 D WifiActiveModeWarden: Starting 
04-24 22:58:36.956  2685  2685 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: 
04-24 22:58:36.957  2685  2783 E HostapdHal: Registering IHostapd service 
ready callback.
04-24 22:58:36.958  2685  2783 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting 
thread pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
04-24 22:58:41.989  2685  2783 E WifiNative: Failed to connect to hostapd
04-24 22:58:41.989  2685  2783 E WifiNative: Failed to start hostapd
04-24 22:58:41.989  2685  2783 E SoftApManager: setup failure when creating 
ap interface.
04-24 22:58:41.990  2820  3832 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: 
onStateChanged: state=14, failureReason=0

ServiceManger is not able to fetch IHostapd.getService(), even though it is 
registered in init.rc

Could anyone please help me in this issue.


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