I have generated a MySQL database with the maven create-schema command.  It 
worked fine.

I added a new entity class and now the entire DDL generation fail.  Here is 
what I get:

 __  __

|  /  |__ _Apache__ ___

| |/| / _`  V / -_) '   ~ intelligent projects ~

|_|  |___,_|_/___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2




    [sql] Executing file: G:SRT-wregistrecoretargetschema-create.sql

    [sql] [ERROR] Failed to execute: create table CHEVRETTAGE ( ID $identifier.s

qlType not null auto_increment, MID $attribute.sqlType not null, MDATE $attribut

e.sqlType not null, POIDS $attribute.sqlType not null, MSEXE $attribute.sqlType

not null, MMERE $attribute.sqlType not null, primary key (ID) )

    [sql] [ERROR] java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; c

heck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right synt

ax to use near '$identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment, MID $attribute.sqlT

ype not null, MD' at line 1

    [sql] [ERROR] Failed to execute: create table AUTHENTIFICATON ( ID $identifi

er.sqlType not null auto_increment, USER_NAME $attribute.sqlType not null, PASSW

ORD $attribute.sqlType not null, primary key (ID) )

    [sql] [ERROR] java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; c

heck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right synt

ax to use near '$identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment, USER_NAME $attribut

e.sqlType not nu' at line 1

    [sql] [ERROR] Failed to execute: create table FICHE_IDENTIFICATION ( ID $ide

ntifier.sqlType not null auto_increment, TYPE_ANIMAL $attribute.sqlType not null

, RACE $attribute.sqlType not null, NO_IDENTIFICATION $attribute.sqlType not nul


PRODUCTEUR2 $attribute.sqlType not null, NO_IDENTIFICATION_TRACABILITE $attribut

e.sqlType not null, DATE_NAISSANCE $attribute.sqlType not null, primary key (ID)


    [sql] [ERROR] java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; c

heck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right synt

ax to use near '$identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment, TYPE_ANIMAL $attrib

ute.sqlType not ' at line 1

    [sql] 0 of 3 SQL statements executed successfully


Total time: 1 seconds

Finished at: Sun Jul 10 16:11:04 EDT 2005

Here is the sql file:

-- SKIP drop table if exists CHEVRETTAGE;

-- SKIP drop table if exists AUTHENTIFICATON;

-- SKIP drop table if exists FICHE_IDENTIFICATION;

create table CHEVRETTAGE (

   ID $identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment,

   MID $attribute.sqlType not null,

   MDATE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   POIDS $attribute.sqlType not null,

   MSEXE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   MMERE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   primary key (ID)


create table AUTHENTIFICATON (

   ID $identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment,

   USER_NAME $attribute.sqlType not null,

   PASSWORD $attribute.sqlType not null,

   primary key (ID)



   ID $identifier.sqlType not null auto_increment,

   TYPE_ANIMAL $attribute.sqlType not null,

   RACE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   NO_IDENTIFICATION $attribute.sqlType not null,

   NO_IDENTIFICATION_PRODUCTEUR1 $attribute.sqlType not null,

   NO_IDENTIFICATION_PRODUCTEUR2 $attribute.sqlType not null,

   NO_IDENTIFICATION_TRACABILITE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   DATE_NAISSANCE $attribute.sqlType not null,

   primary key (ID)


I cannot see what is wrong with it.  I manually deleted the tables to make sure 
there were no conflicts I ran maven clean, etc.  Still does not generate the 

Any idea?


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