
I don't know wether here is the right place to post this topic. If not, don't 
kick me :-).

I had been using MagicDraw9.5 and andromda-3.0-RC1 for several weeks,  
everything run smoothly. A few days ago, I found a new version 
andromda-3.0-final, and I updated to this new version. In MagicDraw, I alerted 
configuration to reference andromda-profile-3.0.xml.zip. 

>From then on things get strange, for example, the generated DDL is not same as 
>before(I didn't change anything), spring cartridge can't generate sevice 
>classes. What's the matter? Is this about MagicDraw or andromda? Is there a 
>way to transit from old version to new version safely?(I have to create a 
>project and redraw all diagrams to solve this problem)
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2472#2472
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