I'm architect on a heavy facturation system for a major company since last 
year. The project federates a lot of legacy systems into a modern J2EE 
architecture. After reviewing nearly everything in the field of code 
generation, I settled for AndroMDA, which was in the early 3.0 development 
stages at that time.

The reasons for which I choosed AndroMDA were:

- ability to make the development process flow from UML downwards (Hey, it's 

- rationalization of the process with UML and an homogeneous platform, which is 
a big plus when developers are contractors from a number of companies, using 
their own systems and tools (I use GNU/Linux, others use windoze or Mac, for 

- J2EE integration with the default cartridges

- free software, which implies possibility of fixing bugs on the spot (in 
addition, AndroMDA developers are extremely reactive and enthusiasts, which 
helps greatly) and possiblity of customizing for the project peculiarities, 
which were quite numerous in this case 

The learning curve is not so easy, but generally, it took around two weeks for 
a developer to get used to the process. Given that a lot of developers were 
working on a J2EE project for the first time, I consider it being pretty fast. 
Let's say that for seasoned J2EE professionals, it would take a few days, maybe 
a week at most.

More important, the project was finished on schedule, despite the preliminary 
"functional requirements" and "functional specifications" stages being weeks 
late. This is a tremendous achievement, it can be credited to the enormous 
motivation of the members of the team, but also to the contribution of the 
rational development framework AndroMDA is offering, which allowed to generate 
nearly all of the boring code base, letting developers concentrating on the 
interesting, business-oriented, part.

Currently, we're in a post-release period, new requirements are being 
implemented fast, and I'm migrating the framework to the AndroMDA 3.1 release, 
which looks even more promising. I'm thinking of giving back to AndroMDA by 
collaborating on the EJB cartridge, as soon as time permits.

Thanks a lot to Chad Brandon, Wouter Zoons and the other AndroMDA development 
team members, which are extremely helpful despite their own professional 
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