Dug around the source code for the hibernate cartridge and found the answer:

1) The association end HAS to be marked as "ordered" in the model. So, for the 
above, I used MagicDraw to open the specification for the association end near 
"ToDoEntry", and changed the "Ordering" property to "ordered."

2) ONE of the following also HAS to be done:

    a. Set the associationEndCollectionIndexName property in the hibernate 
namespace area of mda/conf/andromda.xml

    b. Add the tagged value @andromda.hibernate.collection.index to the 
association end near ToDoEntry.  The name you specify here does not need to be 
an attribute of the class (in fact, is CAN'T be, as that causes the name to be 
generated twice in the .hbm.xml mapping file).

Doing the above will cause the hibernate mapping to be generated as a <list>.  
No need to set the @andromda.hibernate.collection.type tag on the association 
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2633#2633
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