Ok, I've had a look, but I'm still puzzled  :? 

As I see it, the EntityDaoBase extends HibernateDaoSupport which extends 
HibernateTemplate which provides setFlushMode(). Did you follow ?

In the services, we have access to the EntityDao, which is an interface. So it 
hides the setFlushMode(). That's a good thing, because it hides the specific 
underlying framework. It would be quite nice to have access to the 
setFlushMode() from the service by drilling a hole in the EntityDao Interface, 
but that would be Hibernate specific, which is not a good thing ...

So the question is : how can we give access to the flushMode while hiding the 
specificities of the underlying framework ? Is there a similar method on other 
frameworks ? Does anybody knows how Spring maintains the specific framework 
hidden while providing this functionnality (if it does) ?

The other solution I see is to set the flushMode globally. It's probably not 
all that good to setFlushMode(EAGER) on the whole application for performance 
reasons ... but at least it should work. I'm not all that confident with 
Spring, but from what I understood, the DAO are created from the 
applicationContext definitions. Would it be possible to specify that the 
flushMode must be set at this point from a namespace property ?

Last point, as this functionnality is not yet available in AndroMDA, I suppose 
you are using a different approach for catching data access exceptions. How are 
you catching them (if you do catch them) ?

Thanks all for your time !

Jabber : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (feel free to contact me)
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