I am trying to use an enumartion class (class with Enumeration stereotype) with 
its attributes being numbers. I tried giving these number literals Integer type 
and then tried String Type but in both cases I get the following error during 
code generation:

CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC.java:57: <identifier> expected

    public static final CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC 10 = new CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC("10");


CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC.java:62: <identifier> expected

    public static final CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC 56 = new CONTENTTYPE_TYPE_TC("56");

.... and so on.

What I understand from this is that an numbers can't be used as identifiers. 
The whole purpose of what I am trying to do is to create LOOKUP TYPE CODES for 
which I am using enumeration here.

I would appreciate if someone can point me to the right way to do this:

_ is using enumeration classes with the attributes being numbers (with Integer 
or String types) is teh right way to do this?

_ My application has a need for lookup tables of type codes where mostly there 
are two columns, a type_code and a description. Most of teh times I won't even 
use description columns and just use the type-codes. Other than using an 
enumeration class what else can I use?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


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