I just posted this on our Andromeda forum but thought I'd post it here, too.

In "All Great Neptune's Ocean" I believe we were told that Volsung Pride 
had been destroyed [I]about twenty years before[/I].  Volsung was one of 
Kodiak Pride's allies, and Tyr was visibly upset at Dylan's concluding a 
treaty with the worlds which had destroyed Volsung Pride.

This seems to be about the same time that Kodiak was destroyed by Drago 
Kazoff and abandoned by the other allies.  Did they hold Kodiak Pride 
responsible for the loss of Volsung Pride?  Was Kodiak deemed a failure 
because it couldn't protect one of its allies?

That's just something which makes me go, "Hmm...."  The Nietzscheans are 
all concerned about surviving and passing on their genes.   Allying 
themselves with Kodiak in the wake of Volsung's destruction might be deemed 
a bad move.

Watcha think?

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